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Transformation in the workplace is a process to change the racial, gender and economic status of the workplace to reflect the South African population demographics. There are various pieces of legislation which have been enacted to transform South African businesses and society to ensure that all enjoy equal opportunities, fair treatment and thereby promote equal respect and dignity.
Broad-Based Black Economic Empowerment Act and the Employment Equity Act
The purpose of these pieces of legislation is to promote equal opportunities for people who have been historically dis-enfranchised owing to apartheid policies.
Before the amendment of the Constitution, Black people (namely Africans, Coloureds and Indians) were precluded from participating in the economy and pursuing a better life simply because of the colour of their skin. Women and persons with disabilities were often unfairly discriminated with respect to employment opportunities. The Employment Equity Act was promulgated to ensure that people are treated equally. Where Blacks, women and persons with disabilities (designated groups) are under-represented in the workplace employers should redress this imbalance by putting corrective measures to accelerate equality.
Broad-Based Black Economic Empowerment Act aims to set targets for employers to achieve racial, gender and economic equity for Black people. The Department of Trade and Industry (dti) was given the mandate to monitor this process through a BEE Scorecard which measures five elements of transformation: Ownership, Management Control/Employment Equity, Skills Development, Supplier-Enterprise Development and Socio- Economic Development.
Skills Development Act
Skills development is often a barrier identified when considering equal opportunities in the workplace. A lack of skills and qualifications is often a reason why companies struggle to fill vacancies in the job market. The Skills Development Act 97 of 1998 aims to provide structure for education in South Africa and make it accessible to all so that all South Africans can access the job market. Skills development should be the heartbeat of transformation.
How do these Acts ‘transform’ society?
The challenge that several companies face with respect to these Acts is that they are often implemented in silos and there is little leveraging or alignment.
At Global Business Solutions’ exciting and dynamic Transformation Seminar, on 21 May in Johannesburg, we will give delegates a solution on how to overcome this challenge.
Thembi Chagonda will be presenting this course. She is a standing Employment Equity Commissioner, which means that she will provide you with the expert, hands-on knowledge that you need to know about employment equity.
The purpose of this session will be to help companies identify ways to maximise current processes. We will help your company to comply with relevant sections of the Acts to avoid penalties. Often complying with the transformation becomes merely a tick-box exercise and lip service is paid to the transformation requirements. The result is that no lasting change is accomplished. The aim of this session is to help the employers identify short-, medium- and long-term strategies that will be sustainable.
We will unpack how each of the elements of transformation can be aligned to break:
- Poverty barrier (socio-economic development),
- Skills barrier (bursary programmes),
- Employment/job creation (employment equity),
- Business barriers (supplier development/enterprise development), and
- Equity barriers (ownership).
This is one of the few courses of its kind on the market which specifically deals with Skills Development, Employment Equity and Broad Based Black Economic Empowerment all on one day. It's practical - for example, we'll show you how to put together an Employee Ownership Trust for B-BBEE purposes. We'll even give you a template of a trust deed.
In the Skills Development section of the seminar, we'll give you practical and tangible steps on how to access mandatory and discretionary grant funding.
For more information, contact our sales team on 011 483 3722 or [email protected]. Alternatively, download the brochure and registration form here.