
We are looking for qualified trainers/ facilitators/ corporate teams to work as volunteers and for funding partners.

By brianvmoore, 11 June, 2012

Together we can transform our country.

Celebrating Humanity International have recently accepted Centenary High School – in Overport Durban as a pro-bono recipient of the Dream Dynasty programme which – focuses on putting the Dream into Education.

This is quite a manpower intensive project. We envisage this growing across the nation and will need to develop facilitators to continue the process. Funders are need to cover the costs of conferencing venues, travel, refreshments, materials and volunteer expenses.

*   To build highly-prepared, well-supported, values-based and mentored dream-focused school leavers – who know what they want from life, know how to get want they want and are determined to get it.

*   To create a safe and empowering learning environment in which learners, educators, support team and parents can grow and develop.

Some of the challenges for learners, who live without dreams or a vision.

* School is often something learners just have to do.
* Average or below average performance.
* They are focused on a “pass.” Anything above a failure will do just fine!
* They have low morale; little enthusiasm and commitment.
* Absenteeism, disrespect, bad attitudes are the norm.
* There is excessive bullying/ vandalism.
* Bored learners become fun seekers – often leading to chemical abuse, vandalism and mischief.

Resultant challenges for these school leavers
* They have no focus or direction.
* They will study anything that comes up. Whatever will keep their parents from complaining.
* Have no idea of what they want when job seeking, “Give me a job – any job.”
* Find themselves in dead-end jobs. (Something they just have to do, for money.)
* They become bored, demoralised and quarrelsome.
* The natural joy of life, power and creativity, that many of these young people have - becomes crushed.

We will change all of that, when we focus on their dreams in a values-based environment.
This brings an amazing and positive energy, that everyone can work with.
We will then teach them easy-to-learn relationship, learning skills, negotiation skills that better them - in the pursuit of their dreams.

Contact: Brian Moore before Friday 15 June 2012

Contact details: Mobile: +27 (0)79 643 4457.
E-mail: [email protected] 
Celebrating Humanity International
Diversity Management, Communication, Learning and Team Building and Team Conflict Resolution Specialists.



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