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Keith Barends started KB & Associates on the 19th of March 2003. Keith
focused his efforts in building an associate base, building up a client base,
as well as becoming accredited as a training provider with the Services SETA
and was granted Institutional Accreditation in October 2003
People are the core of the organisation; people make organisations successful. Developing and using human capital will enable organisations to achieve outstanding results and anticipate new needs of their clients and customers that will promote and enhance new developments and opportunities in their markets.
KB&A aims to provide companies and organisations with international state-of-the-art knowledge and practices in Human Resource Management.
Long-term objective
KB&A will be the trend setting and leading HRM consultancy and training firm in South Africa.
Quality Service
Client satisfaction
Extreme confidentiality
Sound Human Resource practices
Equal opportunities
Human Resource Management
In SMME’s, KB&A act as sparring partner for owners and directors of the company with regard to use and development of human capital in the most effective and efficient way. Provide HRM practices in areas of recruitment, selection and promotion of managers and staff. Offer services in the area of registration and accreditation with SETA’s and SETA administration.
In larger organisations, KB&A support line managers, HR Managers and professionals in areas of staff planning, organisational change, diversity and culture management.
Performance Improvement
KB&A support companies to increase their effectiveness using Performance
Management and assists their clients with design, implementation and evaluation of systems and best practices in Performance Management.
Human Resource Development
KB&A supports organisations with training and development for their staff, linked to the changes in their strategy and work methods and future requirements of their customers. An established and practical organisational model is used to effect the changes required.
Corporate Governance Support
KB & Associates provide companies with highly specialised knowledge, experience and support in the areas of Labour Law, Employee Relations, Dispute and Conflict Resolution.
Professional Competencies
Human Resource Management
Training and Development
Organisational Development
Project Management
Labour Law Management
Employee and Industrial Relations
Performance Management
HR Policies Management
Quality Management
Skills Development Administration (Accreditation)
For further information or queries
Hope Yon
Office Administrator
Contact us at: 021 4186700 / 079 4958 308
Email: [email protected]
Keith Barends
Cell: 082 561 7114
Email: [email protected]