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The Role of Visio Meditation
Management Advancement
Dr Wynand Goosen
Table of Contents
1. Introduction........................................................................................................................ 3
2. Meditation, Visualisation and Self Hypnosis in creating a new reality............... 4
3. Meditation........................................................................................................................... 5
4. Visualisation...................................................................................................................... 7
5. Self-hypnosis..................................................................................................................... 8
6. Application & use of meditation.................................................................................... 8
7. Application....................................................................................................................... 10
7.1 Applied Visualisation................................................................................................... 11
7.2 Results & outcomes.................................................................................................... 12
7.3 Self-hypnosis................................................................................................................ 13
7.4 The similarities & interrelationship of the above................................................. 13
7.5 Reality creation using meditation, visualisation & self-hypnosis.................... 14
7.6 Creating new reality – the observer universe....................................................... 15
8. The Copenhagen principle & metaphysics.............................................................. 15
8.1 The observer universe, the God Mind and metaphysics.................................... 15
8.2 Potential new applications........................................................................................ 16
8.3 Impact & effects on society...................................................................................... 17
8.4 Visio meditation as new metaphysical instrument............................................. 17
8.4.1 Distinguishing features of Visio Meditation....................................................... 18
8.4.2 The Visio Meditative state of consciousness & quantum physics.............. 18
8.5 Development of a new model for therapeutic applications............................... 18
9. Similarities between meditation, visualisation & hypnosis................................. 20
9.2 Why the different development................................................................................ 20
9.3 Reality creation 102 – Visio meditation.................................................................. 21
9.4 Suggested Visio meditation...................................................................................... 23
10. Conclusion.................................................................................................................... 25
The Role of Vision Meditation in Management Advancement
1. Introduction
According to Arntz (2008 : 76), the observer has an inescapable influence on any observed physical process. The believe that we are not neutral, objective witnesses to things and events was first insisted upon by Niels Bohr and his colleagues in Copenhagen where Bohr lived; thus its often called the Copenhagen interpretation (Arntz, 2008: 76). This Copenhagen principle, from quantum physics, suggests that the smallest part of matter, called a particle, behaves in a fashion based on the consciousness of the observer. For example, if a particle is observed, the behaviour of such a particle is determined based on what the observer thinks. Science is therefore suggesting that our thoughts as humans are the determining factor in the creation of reality.
From the metaphysical perspective, Bob Proctor, philosopher, is quoted in Byrne (2006: 3) as saying that we all work with one infinite power - we all guide ourselves by the exact same law of the universe – the law of attraction. Proctor believes that everything in your life that comes your way comes because of the law of attraction. It is attracted to you by virtue of the images you are holding in your mind. The images in your mind or visions in your mind, is thus the basis of creation of your reality. What you think determines your reality. The credibility of authors such as Proctor is supported in the work of Byrne (2006:7) by other authors as John Assaraf, Bob Doyle, Mike Dooley and many others. All of these authors support the notion that we can create whatever we hold in our minds as a powerful enough vision. This notion is also supported by the Bible when it states “ as you believe, so shall it be”. In this study the routes to the development of this “visioning” is analysed and compared. For purposes of this study these routes are defined as meditation, self-hypnosis and visualisation. The routes are compared and analogies drawn.
Meditation is described by Masters (1973: 1) a process whereby an individual reaches an ultimate level of relaxation, with the objective of engaging in affirmations, or the keep your intentions in the interior centre of your forehead – your mind’s eye or eye of the soul.
Hypnosis is defined by Caprio et al. (1963:11) as a sleep like condition produced by the hypnotist in a subject who allows himself to accept and respond to certain specific suggestions. Self hypnosis is the process of inducing the sleep like state oneself, in other words to hypnotise oneself. The objective of self hypnosis is to induce a state of sleep likeness, during which the person engaged in the process is able to identify and alter his own thought patterns. This in turn will lead to an alternation in behaviour that will consequently result in a changed reality.
Visualisation is defined by Harris (2003: 11) as the elements of thought that involve seeing (visualisation), hearing (imaging sounds or having internal conversations or dialogue in one’s head), experiencing sensations (emotional or tactile), sensing smells or sensing tastes. NLP enables people to notice their thoughts and then if needed, to modify them and thereby their experience.
2. Meditation, Visualisation and Self Hypnosis in creating a new reality
- Can these processes be used to access the higher mind?
- That Meditation, visualisation and hypnosis are processes similar in nature.
- That the creation of new reality is a function of the higher or God mind.
- That the observation theory of quantum physics is in fact the scientific equivalent of creation via meditation, visualisation or self hypnosis.
- That the three components can be used to deduce a better, more integrative approach to reality creation than the individual systems can.
The question is whether visualisation, meditation and self-hypnosis can be used in the creation of new and alternative realities. In order to answer this question, it will be necessary to draw analogies between visualisation, meditation and self hypnosis proving that they are similar in construct and result. Meditation can sometimes have a religious connotation whilst self hypnosis can be linked to a more scientific approach. Visualisation in keeping can often be seen as the pop psychology of the modern age. However, are these ideas not really the same thing? Are these names not just different names for the same concept?
This article will demonstrate and discuss how all the above are used in creating reality. Each one of these concepts are analysed to determine their processes and outcomes. This is done after the comparisons between the three processes are drawn. To discuss and demonstrate creation of reality is a function of the higher mind. Therefore it makes sense to tie back the issue of reality creation in meditation, visualisation and self hypnosis to quantum physics and the observer universe. Thus, the process may suggest a new reality forming system using the combined characteristics and elements of the three systems studied here.
The analysis of the above-mentioned objectives was conducted in two ways. Firstly, traditional academic literature works were employed to establish a theoretical basis of departure. Secondly, contemporary journals and magazines as well as reports were used to obtain up to date figures and facts. Empirical surveys in the form of letters, market research and reports were not employed.
3. Meditation
According to Snelling (1990: 730 we live our lives in a kind of waking dream. We are only hazily aware of what is going on outside and inside ourselves. Snelling goes on to elaborate that every chance stimulus sparks of automatic reaction – it needs a stark confrontation like death, to jerk us awake and show us the world as it really is. Mediation is about developing an acute awareness all the time. This awareness is to develop without becoming attached to any of the objects or situations in the awareness and observed reality. Meditation is described by Masters (1973: 1) a process whereby an individual reaches an ultimate level of relaxation, with the objective of engaging in affirmations, or the keep your intentions in the interior centre of your forehead – your mind’s eye or eye of the soul.
According to Grand Master Hsing Yun (2006: 8) not even Buddha can help us attain enlightenment without self awareness and self awakening. The Master goes on to explain how the enlightenment of the human being is needed before any change can be made in the world we live in. Self-awareness is also a way of self education. Only trough education & awareness can we become mindful of our lives, of the actions we take and the effects such actions have on our lives and reality.
I the development of the self concept, self awareness is of primary importance. Jensen (1995:128) lists seven forms of intelligence, of which “intra-personal “ intelligence is one. Intra-personal intelligence refers to the ability to talk to the self. To understand the self and to have an analytical concept of the position of the self. It refers to the ignorant position of being unconscious of one’s reality. In other words, to not know, what it is that you don’t know. In skills training this phenomenon is called “unconsciously incompetent”. In order to improve a person skills level, it is important for such an individual to understand where the skills level is at. Without knowing where one is, to determine where to go is very difficult. In the fairy tale of “Alice in Wonderland” – Alice walks down a road and encounters a Cheshire cat and asks it “where is this road going”. The replies “where would you like it to go” and Alice declares that she does not know. The Cat, very aptly answers her “if you don’t know where you would like to go, it does not matter where the road goes – you will get there”.
The real point is that any form of change, alteration or improvement is preceded by having to know where one is at. To define a starting point. A point of departure. Meditation is (but not limited to) about becoming aware of such a starting point.
Meditation is a process of becoming aware. This process can differ based on origin and often based on religion. In traditional religious environments the practise of meditation is often frowned upon and sometimes even considered undesirable. However, the focus of this study is the application or result(s) that meditation can bring about. Meditation of all forms seems to have in common, the practice of becoming relaxed and then to re-program as it where, the mind to a new set of circumstances or beliefs.
4. Visualisation
According to Harris (2003:11) the elements of thought involve seeing(visualisation), hearing (imagining sounds or having conversations in ones head), experiencing sensations (emotional or tactile), sensing smells or tastes. Thus, visualisation is an experience of creating a vision of what one wants in one’s mind. In Arentz (2005:128) the author explains how the individual is creating its own reality. The process starts with a thought or vision that is later translated into a situation in reality. In Braden (2005:62) the author discusses the possibility of the participatory universe. In this theory, it is suggested that the individual is part of the process of creation in the universe. The same author quotes Max Planck, who in 1944, suggested that everything exists because of an intelligent mind. In the participatory universe, the act of focusing attention on something, of applying thought (vision) to it, is in itself, creation. Knight (2003: 35) explains the process of seeing (visioning) and observing on a particle theory level. On this level the author suggests that the particle behaves based on human observation (seeing) or consciousness.
McGraw(2001:27) considers the matter of the vision from the perspective of self management. The author asks the question whether the behaviour of the individual is at odds with the values, visions, beliefs & desires of the authentic self. The reconnection with the authentic self is seen as the first task required before one can change anything. McGraw(2001:63) further discusses the reconnection with self in contexts of previous life experiences and current purpose on earth. This process of “self” is of critical importance. If the individual is able to create based on a vision, it implies that the “self” is creating. However, if the self is uncertain or untrue to itself, what will it create? What visions will it conjure up? What results would it deliver?
The above author also discusses the process of how to identify the authentic self and how to re-program the self to a more successful, fulfilled life. McGraw (2001:243) later refers to and describes a process of re-scripting your believes towards a more desirable output. As the elements of thought involve visualisation, this new “script” may very well be an acceptable approach to creating alternative reality.
5. Self-hypnosis
According to Caprio & Berger(1963:3), all hypnosis is self hypnosis. The authors later define Hypnosis as a sleep like condition produced by the hypnotist in a subject who allows himself to accept and respond to certain specific suggestions. Hypnosis has also been described as the uncritical acceptance of a suggestion by a patient in a trance. Some professionals even regard hypnosis as “hypersuggestability” Caprio & Berger(1963:12) describes hypnotism as the art of inducing a sleep like state in an individual.
There are two types of hypnosis:
- Hetero-hypnosis: The induction of the hypnotic state in a subject by someone else – a hypnotist.
- Autohypnosis: The induction of the hypnotic state by oneself.
The state of hypnosis is one of absentmindedness, a state of dissociation of consciousness whilst the subject is withdrawn from reality. In summary the three systems seem to display great similarities. The differences seem largely to do with religion, origin & application of procedure. It may very well be possible to experiment and use different elements of the systems to create and combine a system that is more powerful and uses the best of the three discussed.
6. Application & use of meditation
Masters (1973:7) lists, amongst others, the following applications for meditation:
- Physical healing
- Peace
- Self direction
- Confidence
- Awareness
- Material needs
- Prosperity
Although the list goes on, every application is accompanied by an “inhale” and “exhale “suggestion that is aimed at changing the reality or belief of the individual. During the meditation process, an interesting brain patterns emerges. As the individual relaxes, the brain waves of the individual also seem to relax. During normal every day activity, the brain exerts brain waves. One of these types of waives are the so called “alpha” waives, the waives that determine the level of learning and concentration that takes place. During high stress, the amplitudes of the waives increases whilst during relaxation they decrease. Interestingly enough, the lower the waives, the higher the ability to accept new ideas, to memorise and to learn. This theory is strongly supported by Lozanov (1999).
Meditation as the process of becoming more aware, creates low amplitude alpha waives and therefore increases susceptibility to new ideas. Lozanov has used the state of relaxation in learning, to demonstrate how an individual can learn up to 2000 words in a foreign language in 48 hours. In Metaphysics, meditation is used as a process of raising awareness and especially self awareness of the god-mind. The process starts with relaxation, leading to a state of high awareness during which the individual is able to connect to the God-mind or higher self. However, during this process of high relaxation and high awareness, the individual can also use the state of mind to re-program a belief system, or even introduce dramatic changes to life style. It is at this level, where the connection with quantum physics is interesting. The observer universe suggests that the universe is a result of what we believe it is. As such, meditation takes us to the point where we can be aware of what we actually believe and thus create.
The results of meditation practise depends on the objectives and intentions of the meditation. Master (1973:15) mentions a few such possible intentions:
- Meditate for increased health
- Meditate for increased love
- Meditate for financial prosperity
- Meditate for peace
- Meditate for confidence
- Meditate for higher consciousness
- Meditate for self directed intuition and inspiration
As can be deduced from the above, the objectives of meditation can be whatever individual decide it can be. As such, meditation’s result is much the same as the particle theory of observation – that the result is based on the mind of the observer. Arentz et al. (2005:76).
7. Application
According to Robins (1986:88)”nothing has power over me other than that which I give it trough my conscious thought. The author also quotes Shakespeare as having said “ There is nothing either good or bad, but thinking it makes it so. This approach again suggests that the thought is the determining factor. The thought originates from the mind, the consciousness. Thus the thought is the origin of the result. In management, visualisation is often used to achieve corporate objectives. In developing a strategic plan, management often uses a model of creating a vision for a company. This vision is in fact, no more than a vision of what the company will look like once very successful. This vision is often shared by individuals, employees. These employees all “observe” the objective. Based on their degree of compatibility with the true self, they support the vision. Every day in business people leave their jobs. The official reasons are multiple, but once analysed they all suggest an incompatibility of the self to the vision of the organisation.
Senge (1994:297) describes and dedicates a chapter in his book, “The Fifth Discipline”, on developing a “shared Vision”. In his key precepts the author mentions that an organisation has a destiny and a deeper purpose. Remember that organisations or businesses are in fact communities of people, it can be stated that these communities are in fact developed around the same objectives or same purpose. The author further suggests that visions will not be all equal – visions that connect to the real purpose of the organisation will have the stronger support. Senge (1994:299) elaborates that, at the heart of building shared vision is the task of designing processes in which people can speak from the heart and be really heard. Finally there is an organisational equivalent to the personal mastery concept of creative tension – the innate pull that emerges when we hold clear pictures of our vision juxtaposed with current reality. The application for visualisation is thus to act as a process preceding and defining creation. For the individual visualisation is the development of a vision of what is desired. As the vision is held in the mind, the universe actually aligns, supported by the particle theory, to create the desired reality.
7.1 Applied Visualisation
In an organisational context, the vision process is used to design and align individual visions to the main purpose of the organisation. Thus, the workplace has become the place where visions are given execution, where purpose is expressed and new realities are evolved based on the collective and individual thought processes.
According to Robins (1986:88)”nothing has power over me other than that which I give it trough my conscious thought. The author also quotes Shakespeare as having said “ There is nothing either good or bad, but thinking it makes it so. This approach again suggests that the thought is the determining factor. The thought originates from the mind, the consciousness. Thus the thought is the origin of the result. In management, visualisation is often used to achieve corporate objectives. In developing a strategic plan, management often uses a model of creating a vision for a company. This vision is in fact, no more than a vision of what the company will look like once very successful. Individuals, employees, often share this vision. These employees all “observe” the objective. Based on their degree of compatibility with the true self, they support the vision. Every day in business people leave their jobs. The official reasons are multiple, but once analysed they all suggest an incompatibility of the self to the vision of the organisation.
Senge (1994:297) describes and dedicates a chapter in his book, “The Fifth Discipline”, on developing a “shared Vision”. In his key precepts the author mentions that an organisation has a destiny and a deeper purpose. Remember that organisations or businesses are in fact communities of people, it can be stated that these communities are in fact developed around the same objectives or same purpose. The author further suggests that visions will not be all equal – visions that connect to the real purpose of the organisation will have the stronger support. Senge (1994:299) elaborates that, at the heart of building shared vision is the task of designing processes in which people can speak from the heart and be really heard. Finally there is an organisational equivalent to the personal mastery concept of creative tension – the innate pull that emerges when we hold clear pictures of our vision juxtaposed with current reality.
The application for visualisation is thus to act as a process preceding and defining creation. For the individual visualisation is the development of a vision of what is desired. As the vision is held in the mind, the universe actually aligns, supported by the particle theory, to create the desired reality.
7.2 Results & outcomes
In an organisational context, the vision process is used to design and align individual visions to the main purpose of the organisation. Thus, the workplace has become the place where visions are given execution, where purpose is expressed and new realities are evolved based on the collective and individual thought processes.
7.3 Self-hypnosis
There is nothing strange about hypnosis. Its application is based solely on the relationship between the conscious and subconscious. The subconscious, having no power to reason, accepts and acts upon any fact or suggestion given to it by the conscious mind. During the dream like state, the individual has to be in a state of relaxation. In this state, the brain emits a lower amplitude of Beta waves. It is this state that enables one to present alternative realities – such as to stop smoking etc. The subject must be prepared to accept these suggestions though.
Caprio & Berger(1963:2) elaborates on the potential results of hypnosis:
- Self hypnosis has unlimited potential – Humans are autosuggestible
- Self hypnosis can improve your self confidence
- Self hypnosis can improve your health
- Self hypnosis can help you become more mature
- Self hypnosis can help you to be successful in life, business and in love
7.4 The similarities & interrelationship of the above
In order to enable effective comparison, let’s list the applications of the above in three columns:
Physical healing |
A process preceding and defining creation |
Self hypnosis has unlimited potential – Humans are autosuggestible, thus self hypnosis can do wonderful things. |
Peace |
Peace |
Self hypnosis can improve your self confidence |
Self direction |
Development of a vision of what is desired |
Self hypnosis can improve your health |
Confidence |
Confidence & inspiration |
Self hypnosis can help you become more mature |
Awareness |
Analysis, Objective setting |
Self hypnosis can help you to be successful in life, business and in love |
Material needs |
Corporate objectives |
Self hypnosis has unlimited potential – Humans are autosuggestible, thus self hypnosis can do wonderful things. |
Prosperity |
Business Success |
Self hypnosis can improve your self confidence |
7.5 Reality creation using meditation, visualisation & self-hypnosis
A subject wishing to engage in physical healing, can use meditation or visualisation or self hypnosis. The same can be said for all of the applications. What then, is the difference? Is there a difference? Perhaps there are differences in approach. Meditation has a religious connotation, whilst visualisation has a corporate connotation. Self hypnosis on the other hand, seems to suggest a somewhat medical connotation.
In meditation the subject will engage in the practise of talking himself trough a step by step process that results in relaxation, followed by a connection to the higher or God self. Visualisation does not necessarily need a state of trance, but functions in the corporation, on a type of mass buy in of emotion, thus getting people to strive towards a common, newly defined goal. In hypnosis, especially self hypnosis, the subject again is walking himself trough a process towards a relaxed, dream like, trance state, during which a new set of suggestions are introduced. It seems that the differences of the three are clear, but the similarities are more.
The issue most strongly in common regarding meditation, visualisation and Hypnosis, is the issue of “intent”.
7.6 Creating new reality – the observer universe
The principle of the observer universe suggests that the universe is “what we say it is”. In the Bible, reference is made to a verse that says “ as you believe so shall it be” Countless authors tells us that in order for us to bring forth a scenario or situation we need to hold the vision of what will be in our minds. Corporate gurus suggests that we should form a joint vision for the success, the “one day when I am big” for a corporation. Popular psychologists seem to think we should engage in goal setting to achieve our dreams. All of these authors are in fact suggesting that we should imagine things as we would want them to be – to create a picture in the mind, to observe an outcome in thoughts. To keep the thought in our mind is seen as the way to create it in reality. This implies that we as humans, have the ability to create by simply thinking (observing) or imagining things the way we want them to be. The strangest of all, is that this approach, that seem faith based, has great scientific support in quantum physics, such as in the twin slit experiment and the particle research that is widely published.
8. The Copenhagen principle & metaphysics
8.1 The observer universe, the God Mind and metaphysics
Quantum physics will have us believe we live in a so called observer universe. Metaphysics suggests that we are all connected to the mind of God, that we are in fact, collectively, the mind of God. The observer universe and God mind is therefore one and the same thing. The important principle is that quantum physics as hard science and metaphysics seem to meet at this point. The corresponding positions of the two forces should be enough to demonstrate that there is a real point to consider in reality creation. The routes to such reality creation – as possibly meditation, visualisation or hypnosis or any combination, is of lesser importance. The important thing is, that reality is created by the human mind, by expressing desire, by holding in the higher mind, a vision of what should be in a new reality. The level of observation is also very important. Creation of a new reality is not for the flimsy thought. Nor will it emerge if the higher mind is not part of the deal. Effectively this implies that the normal conscious mind is not the instrument of creation, but that only the higher, God – mind is able to manifest such creation.
8.2 Potential new applications
Perhaps the potential lies in developing a system of observation – a system of reality creation that considers the applications and benefits of mediation, visualisation and hypnosis and takes the best of these practices into a more modern approach. Such a system can be free of the religious and other prejudices that limit the mind and engage in radical creation of new realities.
Jensen (1995: 36) suggests that the student with positive emotions, have an increased ability to learn. As a student is more relaxed, so does the ability to learn and absorb new information increase. Effective learning takes place when the brain’s alpha waives are in lowest amplitude. In keeping, during optimal meditation, the brain’s alpha waives are also, in lowest amplitude. Thus, one can assume that low alpha amplitudes is synonymous with a state of God-mind-ness. As the higher mind or God mind is the key to creating an effective, new reality, it is safe to deduct that the God Mind is a state of low alpha amplitudes. This state is also associated with a dream like or semi sleep like state. During this mental condition, the effective reality creating process is at its best. Again, the deduction can thus be made that the relaxed state of mind is crucial to creation.
If one can thus create ways of developing more relaxed state, or, a state of effectively reducing stress to a minimum, the individual’s ability to create improves. Thus, we can deduce that a relaxed person is a more creative person, and more in touch with his / her God Mind and therefore living with enhanced consciousness.
8.3 Impact & effects on society
At a first glance there are individuals that would respond to a new system of reality creation as radical – viewing it as something the human race has not had before. In fact, humans engage in reality creation all the time. The best that this and any study could do to contribute to reality creation is to create an awareness of what we do in realty creation. Thus, not to teach us to “fly the ship of life” but to merely make us aware that we are flying it and always have.
The introduction of higher states of relaxation may lead to a higher state of being for all who engaged in the pursuit of such relaxation and consequently, creation. The impact is, that if one could introduce higher levels of relaxation in society and lower levels of stress, creativity can increase. The next step is that trough visualisation / meditation / self hypnosis society could create a world of greater peace, or lower levels of starvation, or enhanced knowledge or more effective climate. In fact, with the right effort, the world itself can be a better place. It is therefore important to develop systems that are free of religion, free of dogma and free of scientific bias, to create a methodology that uses the best parts of meditation, visualisation and self hypnosis.
8.4 Visio meditation as new metaphysical instrument
One way of combining the elements of meditation, visualisation and self hypnosis, is the concept of Visio meditation. Visio meditation suggests a combination of using the principles of mediation, visualisation and hypnosis to engage in reality creation. In essence Visio Meditation suggests that the elements of “ mind emptiness” from mediation is combined with the elements of “picture forming” from visualisation. Self hypnosis is added as a form of self talk to enable the transformation process (the movement).
8.4.1 Distinguishing features of Visio Meditation
So what makes Visio Meditation different – the awareness of the elements of creation is spelled out. The distinguishing elements in Vision meditation are:
- Visio Meditation uses a combination of techniques and does not rely on one exclusive approach.
- Visio Meditation is an inclusive process rather than an exclusive process.
- Visio Meditation is connected to Metaphysics and not to any religion.
- Visio Meditation integrates personal as well as corporate us of reality creation.
8.4.2 The Visio Meditative state of consciousness & quantum physics
In Visio Meditation, the following elements are used from the different disciplines:
- From Visualisation – identify the desired outcome of what is to be achieved. Develop a blue print of the desired reality. Support the desire with visuals such as photos and other related symbols.
- From Meditation – use the techniques of meditation to relax the mind – to create and “empty” mind. The empty mind represents the space of creation – quantum space or God Mind – from where creation takes place.
- From Hypnosis – develop a set of procedures or steps that have to be followed in order to achieve the desired result. Then engage in self hypnosis to create this reality.
8.5 Development of a new model for therapeutic applications
By combining the system of meditation, visualisation and self hypnosis, a powerful, new reality creation tool is born. Although simple steps, this system represents extracts from proven systems of reality creation. The following steps can be used in Visio meditation:
As in mediation, find a quiet spot to do mediation. Assuming a position of lying down or sitting feet together, start with a self-directed thought process whereby the body parts are relaxed one by one. Once a physical state of relaxation is reached, it is time to focus the mind on emptiness itself. In quantum physics reference is made to quantum space – as a requirement for pure creation. Similarly, the empty mind in a relaxed body is the basic requirement for creation.
In the relaxed state, visualise the steps or actual transformation process of creating a new reality. Visualise the new reality. Focus on the feeling it gives you. Immerse your senses in the fragrance of the situation. Engage all parts of the senses to enhance your vision. Repeat for several weeks, once a day.
9. Similarities between meditation, visualisation & hypnosis
Mediation, visualisation and hypnosis was discussed and analysed in earlier chapters. The following elements of similarities can be listed:
- Objective is to create alternative realities.
- All three items stimulates the mind to a more relaxed state.
- All three uses elements or techniques that the other one uses.
- All three enables the mind to access higher order thinking.
- All three stimulates creative thinking.
The interrelationship between meditation, visualisation & hypnosis is clear, although not formal. All three these practices has the alteration of reality as an objective in mind. The next logical question is to make comparisons between the three and to highlight parts of each that seem to demonstrate best practice in reality creation. In so doing, the three can be combined, mixed and intertwined to develop a new system of reality creation that can use the best elements of each. A more modern, less religious, less corporate and more middle of the road system of reality creation can be developed that may very well find more acceptability with more people, rather than an approach that seems religious, corporate or medical in its bias.
9.2 Why the different development
Meditation developed originally as a more “eastern religious” practice. Although very little to do with religion in contemporary format, meditation in the west was more associated with eastern based religions. Hence the use of meditation was limited as it was viewed as being in opposition to traditional religions. Meditation is for example, strongly linked to the practise of Buddhism, and although there are those who argue the contrary, Buddhism is still mostly seem as a religion. The effect is that more traditional, other religions, avoid this type of meditation as it feels it to be indoctrination into eastern religion and philosophy. The actual practise of meditation is more widely used than the limitations of religion. Thousands of people engage effectively in the practise in meditation daily, without necessarily calling it meditation.
The practice of visualisation on the other hand, developed in corporate boardroom thinking and in self help books to assist the individual who wants to change his life. Although much of the practice of meditation was used in the development of visualisation, the term was avoided. This enabled the effective use of meditation related practice under the guise of visualization. The net effect was however, the same as meditation. The benefit entailed access to a tried and tested method of reality creation for individuals and corporations alike.
Hypnosis and later self-hypnosis developed based on a more “medical” or scientific origin. Hypnosis effectively developed meditation type techniques under the guise of science. There are those who believe that all hypnosis is self-hypnosis. Self-hypnosis in fact, practically meditation. The process of mediation as self talk has great similarities to self-hypnosis. Self-hypnosis, as a system of creating reality, is well documented. Often, the use of self-hypnosis is extended to medical patients for the use in controlling emotional states such as undue anxiety or even depression. All these systems are in fact processes of self-talk and self-programming into new and alternative realities.
9.3 Reality creation 102 – Visio meditation
According to Taylor (2008:18) it is undisputed in quantum physics that consciousness creates reality and it is important to know that your consciousness creates reality. As Visio Meditation is hardly the first instrument to create new realities, this study will refer to it is reality creation 102 as opposed to 101. Visio Meditation is a modern system of using the most important extracts of the three elements discussed in this study. The combination use allows us to be more effective in reality creation as the use of visio meditation enables more effective use of all three – metaphysics, psychology and also medical science. Visio meditation is therefore a deduction of the three methods, rather than an invention of a new method.
From meditation the system uses the process or part of meditation that creates a blank mind. This blank mind condition is associated with being in the mind of God, but also related back to the definition of quantum space. From the Bible it relates to the genesis phrase “first there was nothing” - en from there sprang all creation. Darwinian theory will have us believe in a big bang that created the universe, whilst religion supporters expect us to believe that all was created by God. In Visio mediation the point of departure is a simple question – what is God’s thought, the God-mind, was the big bang? What is all reality is in fact a thought(s) from quantum space, the mind of God. Great support is found in contemporary literature. Tolle (2005:4) suggests that, “once there is a certain degree of presence, of still and alert attention in human beings perceptions, that can sense the Devine life essence, the one indwelling consciousness or spirit in every creature...
From visualisation the aspects of imagining a new reality is taken. Supporters of the visualisation theory suggest that continuous imagining of a situation can lead to the situation itself. Practical instruments like vision boards can be used whereby an actual picture of the desired reality is displayed on a board an looked at, pondered on and considered every day. This practise does not involve any planning or any actual action towards physically obtaining or attaining the desired reality, but is simply used to remind the self of the desire and to imagine the preferred reality.
Visualisation per say, as the term indicates suggests that we bring into vision – that we form a picture of the desired reality. This helps the mind to define what it is that it actually wants. The “self” is often in a state of not getting what it wants, due to the simple state of mind of not knowing what it wants. Visualisation enables the self to form a clear picture of what it wants, of what the desired reality is all about. Several authors have written in support of visualisation with the publishing of the book “The Secret” mentioned in this study as one of the leading authorities of the decade.
However, what is often not mentioned in the visualisation theory is the element of time. As time and space is one in the quantum world, the attainment of the new reality using the visualisation approach, can take a long time. In order to accelerate on the creation of visualisation, the use of self-hypnosis is called in.
Self hypnosis is used to drive the process of change towards the new reality by actually visualising the process of change and then accelerating the vision. As change does not happen overnight and considering that the physical life has a time span limit, reality creation should keep in mind the speed with which it creates. Quantum physics proves to us that all humans create all the time. However, given the fact that it happens over time, we lose awareness of the creation and we credit external forces and other parties with the creation power. We often are unaware of how we create as the events between creation of one reality to the next become interconnected and intertwined making it impossible to see the link. Thus so we create new friendships but we are unaware of how we systematically destroy old ones by not keeping abreast of the friend’s life or saying and doing things to distance the other person.
With self hypnosis we can thus raise the level of awareness and become more in tune with the fact that we create all the time. This is done by visualising steps in between the actual events of change and then adding the imagination back to suggest acceleration. The process is used in conjunction with the mind empty part from mediation and the outcome desired from visualisation. However, the total process needs to be spelled out and perhaps an example of how Visio meditation can work is the best suggestion. The success is Visio mediation has not been tested in this study as the study is about deducting the system and not the empirical proof thereof. The proof of the success or lack thereof is the subject of another study to be pursued independently with test subjects and is not addressed here.
9.4 Suggested Visio meditation
a) Relaxation |
Meditation / Self hypnosis |
b) Creation of the mind – empty state |
Meditation |
c) Create vision – document desired outcome |
Visualisation Self |
d) Visualise the process of change |
Hypnosis |
e) Repeat the process |
Meditation/Visualisation/ Self hypnosis |
A possible Visio meditation - The following Visio meditation is suggested:
a) Relaxation:
In a quiet corner where disturbance will be kept to a minimum, find a comfortable spot to sit in or to lie flat on your back. With your eyes closed and arms by your sides, concentrate on the complete state of relaxation that you feel in your feet. Focus on the tranquillity and feel the sensation move up your legs to your knees and into your mid section. Focus on the calmness that is coming over you. Allow the sensation to move trough your body into your torso and neck. Feel how the tranquillity is spreading to your arms. Finally, feel how the sensation goes to your head, making you feel sleep like, yet you are alert and aware.
b) Create a mind-empty state
As you increase the awareness of the relaxed state of your mind, imagine your mind being empty. Visualise being open space itself, with no content, no thought and no motion at all. Focus on the quiet, stillness of the moment. Become fully aware of the empty space that is you. Any thoughts that enter your mind make sure you dismiss and refocus on pure empty space. Tolle (2005:227) suggests that object consciousness needs to be balanced with space consciousness. The space consciousness represents an awareness of inner awareness – of space to detach. It is this very space that quantum physicists refer to for the creation of reality.
c) Create the new vision of reality
In the empty space, visualise and see a picture of the reality you desire. See it clearly and in full colour. Make sure there is nothing to impede the vision. If any thoughts other than the vision enter the mind, dismiss them and go back to visualising only that thought in your mind. Hold the vision suspended in space as if you are creating it and it alone with your thoughts. Hold the thought for as long as you are able to. Allow yourself to fall asleep after completing the perfect picture. Make sure to repeat the process regularly until the desired outcome is reached.
d) Visualise the process of change
Repeat the process suggested in point a and b. Once empty mind is reached, no visualise the process that had to follow to create your reality. If it is an object like a car you want, visualise working at a well paying job, being successful at it and being paid very well. Imagine it all happens in fast forward mode. Repeat several times until reality is created. Every time allow yourself to fall asleep after the exercise.
e) Repeat process
Repeat the process regularly. However, do not repeat more than once daily. By allowing time between the repetitions, once allows the universe or God mind opportunity to create. By focusing on the issue too often, the opportunity to create is stifled and can lead to obsession with the opposite result than what is desired. Care has to be given during the process not to focus too much on what it is that one does not have, as the law of attraction could attract that very situation rather than the desired outcome.
10. Conclusion
The use of a combination of meditation, visualisation and self hypnosis provides an opportunity to create a system and process that can aid in Management Development. Although these components have their origins in different sciences and religions, Visio meditation allows for an independent, deducted reasoning and practise. The validity of the Visio meditation will however, have to be tested. This will require a sample of subjects willing to use the system. As to whether the system will work better than its components will only be determinable by using control groups to monitor alternative processes.
The original problem addressed in this study is whether Meditation, Visualisation and Self Hypnosis can be used in creating a new versions of reality – as management results. In meditation the subject will engage in the practise of talking himself trough a step by step process that results in relaxation, followed by a connection to the higher or God self. Visualisation does not necessarily need a state of trance, but functions in the corporation, on a type of mass buy in of emotion, thus getting people to strive towards a common, newly defined goal. In hypnosis, especially self hypnosis, the subject again is walking himself trough a process towards a relaxed, dream like, trance state, during which a new set of suggestions are introduced. It seems that the differences of the three are clear, but the similarities are more. In all three cases, the higher or God mind is reached. With the introduction of the Copenhagen observation and the twin slit experiment, the observation theory of quantum physics is in fact the scientific equivalent of creation via meditation, visualisation or self hypnosis. The three components can be used to deduce a better, more integrative approach to reality creation than the individual systems can. In conclusion it is fair to at least postulate that the introduction of Visio meditation is at worst, at least as successful as its component partners. Given the fact that elements of already successful methods of reality creation is use, it is fair to deduce that a more integrative approach to reality creation is developed in Visio meditation than in its predecessors.