
Seta Accreditation of Training Provider

By nokulungasidelo, 24 July, 2013

The consultant makes it so difficult the accreditation process because they want to make money.


I will always recommend the involvement of the training provider to the development of documentation because the consultant is not the one who  will implement whatever is  defined in the documentation. I personally experience the problem of company representative or management who is not assisting/cooperate.  In that situation atleast the consultant must train the company about their documentation. It is a disgrace when the seta came for verification and training provider representation cant even respond to what is their manual.


I see no need not to be transparent about the accreditation process. Training provide also need to be curious about everything related  to training. ''RESEARCH' , for example an accredited training provider but still dont know that assessor dont get accredited instead registered.


Any one can contact me regard seta accreditation






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