
Increase your staff productivity

By chantelharris, 18 August, 2015

It’s early morning and everyone is fresh and ready to get the first morning meeting out of the way. This is when it gets decided who is going to do what, with added motivation to get everyone fired up. Short and sweet.

But that’s not how it goes. Poorly managed meetings could end up ruining your business and keep employees away from what they’re being paid to do. People walk out of the boardroom with more work on their plate than what they could have accomplished in an hour. Meetings should be short and to the point so that your staff can get back to unfinished tasks, responding to emails and unattended phone calls.


If you’re going to be putting heads together to come up with a new strategy, don’t start the brainstorming session in the boardroom. Get your employees to come up with ideas on their own before you enter the meeting. They will then have ample time to come and fire away. A bad start to any meeting is when people come in and then stare at each other blankly. Coming up with ideas before the brainstorm session is a good way to ensure no valuable company time is lost. If you have a start-up company and applied for business finance then you can be certain that time is money and time cannot be wasted.

Set a time and stick to it

Plan your meetings to only be 40 minutes long if it is very important. If you need to find out what each individual is doing, then have a one on one with them. Some people have more on their plate than others and can’t afford a catch up meeting. If you can ask something via email then do so, don’t schedule a meeting. If you want to be kept in the loop regarding job progress, then schedule a 15 minute meeting with your head of department after work. Meetings are held to increase productivity, not to delay the process.

Clear up misunderstandings

Clear up anything that might have been misinterpreted before you leave the meeting. So many times it happens that managers say something but employees didn’t hear what was being said. Let your employees to feel free to email you just in case something was said that they do not understand.

Financing your business to be a success can only happen with the added support of employees. When staff are organised and kept in the loop with company activity they feel secure a part of a team. When your employees are secure in their jobs, they feel that can excel to greater expectations.




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