When posting please remember that you are wanting to create a business relationship - whether a contract or work relationship. Use your post to present a professional image of yourself & if relevant, your organisation. In addition to what you are looking for, provide your name, title, and contact details.
Social media is an extremely powerful tool. No longer is being published on a platform - that the entire world can see - the sole domain of print media and limited to a selected few. Anyone can become a published author thanks to the Internet and social media.
This is an incredible powerful tool; however, some may abuse this power and, in the process, bring their employers into disrepute. The case of Hanniker v One and Only Cape Town (Pty) Ltd – 26 CCMA 8.37.9 illustrates this point:
- An employee published a comment on Facebook which allegedly brought his employer (a hotel) and the hotel’s security manager into disrepute.
- She – the employee – claimed that her comments were valid and were posted in reaction to an incident that the security manager was negligent.
Find out what this conclusion to this case is – and how it affects your business - at the MID-YEAR LABOUR LAW UPDATE which is happening on 21 JUNE 2018 at the MASLOW HOTEL in SANDTON.
In addition to the above-mentioned case, labour law expert – Jonathan Goldberg – will be discussing the impact that the decisions in major employment law cases will have on your company. (Follow this link to read Jonathan’s biography.)
Specific topics which will be discussed are, among others:
Uber Drivers Case:
The issue of if Uber drivers are employees as opposed to independent contractors has been a hotly debated one over the past couple of months. One such case has come through the South African labour law forums. Jonathan will unpack this at the MID-YEAR LABOUR LAW UPDATE.
Amendments to the Employment Equity Act:
There are several amendments that are on the cards for the Employment Equity Act this year. One of the significant ones is the adjustment of the requirements for getting a compliance certificate in terms of Broad-Based Black Economic Empowerment.
Temporary Employment Services:
The issue of Temporary Employment Services (TES) has been a hotly debated one over the last number of years. The Assign Services Case – where the employment status of TES workers was debated - reached the Constitutional Court. It was heard in this forum towards the beginning of this year. At the MID-YEAR LABOUR LAW UPDATE, Jonathan will unpack this case.
There are many other topics which will be discussed at this year’s MID-YEAR LABOUR LAW UPDATE. These topics have a direct impact on your business and your relationship with your employees. This means that you can’t afford to miss this prestigious event!
DATE: 21 JUNE 2018
TIME: 08h30 for 09h00 – 15h30
PRICE: R3 070 excluding VAT
VENUE: Maslow Hotel, 146 Rivonia Road, cnr Grayston Dr, Sandton, Johannesburg.
If you would like any further information, please don’t hesitate to contact our sales team on: [email protected] or 011 483 3722.