
Higher Education Act (101/1997) Gov Gazette 32038 - Call for Comment on Draft on Draft Amendments

By lindaingram, 23 April, 2009

Invitations have gone out to providers to comment on the draft amendments on the regulations for regsitration for Higher Education Institutions. I'd be interested to see how many of you have seen the Government Gazette and have had an opportunity to comment.

For service providers already registered with the DoE and CHE, there is no impact, but for those of us dealing with institutions worldwide, there could be a huge impact to the way in which we conduct our business in future. We have scrutinized this document and will certainly be responding by the 30th April 2009 (closing date for comments).

The DoE has highlighted the need to protect South Africans from scrupulous institutions offering bogus qualifications to unsuspecting people and finding that there is little or nothing they can do if the adademic institution is abroad. The DoE seems to have identified how they might overcome this by outlining the manner in which complaints should be dealt with in future. Is this the answer?

International organisations will need to create a (PTY) Ltd company in SA in order to operate in this country. You really need to get the Gov Gazette and read more if this is an area of interest to you.



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