
Studying - Postgrad Support Group


skills-universe members studying for postgraduate qualifications - Honours, Masters, Doctorates

An MBA student at the Wits Centre for Research on Education and Labour (REAL) needs to access SMMEs, who use micro-finance. A wide range of economic sectors will be included.

The survey will take about 10 - 15 minutes to complete, and may be accessed below:
URL Link to survey on SMMEs accessing micro-finance

If you are able to participate, please assist, and please also forward to SMME colleagues, who may not see this post.

Call for chapter proposals
Creative Data Analysis to be edited by
Helen Kara, Dawn Mannay, and Alastair Roy

The primary audiences for this edited collection will be Postgraduate Researchers and Early Career Researchers and it will also be a useful resource for Masters’
students, practice-based and mid-career researchers.

Policy Press has worked with us on this call and
expressed an interest in seeing a proposal for the collection.

To all members,
I hope that you have located the seminar series on You Tube, it really is excellent.
Here is another one - Prof Johnny Sung, with his presentation on the Singapore Skillsfuture strategy - for Lifelong Learning.

There are so many points that are relevant to us in South Africa, it's a definitely watch twice presentation - to make sure you caught everything - type presentation. So a definite for weekend watching.

Hi to all members,
For those who have not attended this online series, please make a plan to catch up with the whole series via You Tube.

The collection forms the equivalent of attending a very good post-grad course - unfortunately not accredited for credits, but really worthwhile with top-drawer speakers.

I did suggest once that it should at least accummulate CPD points with the professional bodies.

(I have not received any payment or incentive whatsoever to make those statements - it is simply my opinion.)

Are you thinking of pursuing further studies in 2022?

The Master of Education specialisation in Education and Work is aimed at those interested in improving their insight into education and the economy, education and social and economic development, and education and the world of work.

To have an idea of the quality of a REAL programme, have a look at the You Tube site for REAL & the quality of presentations there.

In fact, even if you are not thinking of studying - have a look at the You Tube videos of past presentations.

Another must attend REAL seminar -
Dr Leslie Powell - covering NSPS.
A new acronym for you? National Skills Planning System.

I'm pretty sure that practitioners working in the skills development world will say - planning? what planning?

Attend to hear about theories of plannning.

See attached for details to register.

Hi to all the postgrads,
These seminars may be of interest.
Advice on publishing and how to publish from your thesis.

Please see attached for details.

Please see the attached for further details of this incredibly interesting invitation by Prof. Shireen Motala, SARCHI CHAIR Teaching and Learning, University of Johannesburg (UJ).

Stories from the margins: working-class graduates’ narrative accounts of completion in South African higher education.

PRESENTER Dr Mukohve Masutha, PDRF SARChI Chair T&L, UJ
Dr Otilia Chiramba, PDRF SARChI Chair T&L, UJ
CHAIRPERSON Prof Shireen Motala

Please see webinar invite atached.
"The term 'self' is obviously significant within the discourse of 'self-study'" - but what do researchers mean when they use it?

Interesting webinar following publication of edited volume - Exploring self toward expanding teaching, teacher education and practitioner research - published by Emerald.

See attached for details of presenters.

The South African Education Research Association (SAERA) are hosting a webinar featuring 3 a-rated researchers in the field of education:
Professor Jonathan Jansen,
Profession Crain Soudien, and
Professor Melanie Walker.

The topic of this webinar is:
How to build a scholarly profile in educational research

Wednesday 9th June, 2021
10h00 - 11h30

This is the link from the flyer - see attached to confirm.


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