
Services SETA (SSETA)


The Services SETA group.

Announcements for Skills Development Facilitators and stakeholders.

Mandatory and Discretionary Grants

Vacancy notices, videos, photos and everything that may be of interest to Services SETA stakeholders.

Urgently need an Assessor to exit learners from a course. Please send email to [email protected].

Good day

May I please get clarity on the credit transfer policy and what the process is.

your response will be appreciated

The Service Sector Education and Training Authority (SETA) have issued an update to their on Implementing COVID-19 Guidelines for Learning Programmes, covering:
* Theoretical training
* External moderation
* Workplace training
* Mandatory Grants submissions
* Remote working
* Communications.
See attached.

Dear Members

I am a freelance L&D practitioner registered with the Services Seta. I have an excellent track and performance record.
I am seeking part/ full time work opportunities. Referrals and recommendations provided.

Thank you

Guildford Skills Training Centre is urgently looking for Assessors/Moderators, who are registered with Services SETA for the qualification ID No.93996, Level: 4, Credits:132. Please contact us by email: [email protected], or Cell.078 430 499 1

Dear Colleagues

We desperately need help regarding service seta for the past 6 months they have not paid not even once service providers on their special project.

Dear colleagues
Is anyone on the group aware of any recent DG windows from SETA? I have been pushing for the window that was mentioned at a stakeholder engagement session, but nobody seems to have any idea around this?
My company has been carrying the cost of most training interventions without a discretionary grant.

Any further information around this would be most welcome

Good Afternoon. This entry is intended for Training Providers seeking to extend scopes with Services SETA. I am a constituent Assessor and Moderator with Services SETA for the following qualifications:

Company Magilija Business Consulting and Training is now Provisionally Accredited with unit standards

Unit Standard 110003
Develop Administrative Procedures in a selected Organisation.

Unit Standard 110026
Describe and assist in the control of fraud in an office environment.

I have been pulling my hair out from sheer fraustration, as i have been unable to receive any communications from Services SETA. Only 5% of of DG application was sucessful. I have mailed all and sundry at SETA requesting a formal notification that my applications were unsucessfull, and to advise me of the relevant appeals process. Its extremly unfair for a levy paying and fully compliant entity such as ours, to be treated with utter disdain.


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