SAQA NQF Articulation RPL
Skills-universe has been approached to bring attention to a petition developed for submission to the Department of Higher Education and Training (DHET) - see link below.
This week's Gobal Edition of the University World News featured an interesting article from the Nordic countries.
The collaboration has resulted in a paper
Boosting the Digital Transition through Lifelong Learning.
The incentive for the collaboration arises from the challenge - always there, but exacerbated by COVID-19 - of the need to move to a new world of digitisation.
Who needs to be re-skilled and recognised - and how?
What are the appropriate means to create a sustainable solution?
Acronym fun :)
The South African Qualifications Authority (SAQA) recently celebrated 21 years of the National Qualifications Framework (NQF) under the hashtag #NQF21.
A European Union (EU) sponsored joint meeting with SAQA under the heading:
Policy Learning Forum (PLF) on the conceptualisation and the use of Learning Outcomes in SA.
SAQA have made available all the session presentations:
SAQA Policy Learning Forum Presentations
So we have an enjoyable weekend of reading ahead.
UNESCO Institute for Lifelong Learning (UIL) looking for researchers - for #Learningcities2019 conference.
Conference: 2019 International Conference on Learning Cities
Theme: Inclusion - A principle for sustainable learning cities
Date: 1-3 October 2019
Venue: Medelin, Colombia
Submit research proposal by 15 May 2019
I have received the following update courtesy of John Arnesen.
Chartall Business College’s Academic Director, Dr Karen Deller has been invited to share the innovative RPL practices implemented by Chartall at the 3rd VPL Biennale conference. Validation of Prior Learning (VPL) is equivalent to our South African Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL).
The conference will take place on May 7 and 8, 2019 in Berlin, Germany.
This internal conference is for practitioners, involved in the development and implementation of Validation of Prior Learning.
"RPL in South Africa is hampered by a number of barriers relating to the delivery, quality assurance and resourcing of RPL."(Foreword p3)
This acknowledgment by SAQA is incredibly important, because the Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) constitutes a key instrument of redress, for past exclusion of people from education and training, and achievement of formal recognised qualifications.
SAQA has amended their document to fall in line with the DHET RPL Coordination Policy.
In my opinion RPL should be one of the key instruments for providing access to qualifications, and career advancement for people who were previously excluded from education and participation in the economy. So all these documents are important but only the start of the process of achieving redress.
In 2016 DHET published a document - the RPL Coordinating Policy.
SAQA had however been involved in RPL, had previously published a document on the Implementation of RPL in 2014.
Des Squire
I would like to make contact with providers who are offering full qualifications and or Skills programmes by RPL. This is an area which has been overlooked for far too long and it is time something was done about it. There are so many disadvantaged learners who can greatly benefit from RPL. We can also assist in reducing company training costs by making use of RPL. If you offer and RPL service please make contact with me as soon as possible.
Please see attached the notice from APPETD with an invitation to a workshop on RPL towards occupational and higher education qualifications, and in the SETA landscape.
Dr J. Cedras – Research Fellow: Policy SA
Dr S. Lloyd – DHET Director: NQF
Diarise the 9th February from 08h30 to 12h30 at Emperors Palace, Kemptom Park. and see attached for booking information.
The International Labour Organisation (ILO) on the Skills For Employment site, which is a public private knowledge-sharing partnership - will be hosting a discussion forum as follows:
On Recognition of Prior Learning, 24 to 30 September 2017.
The moderators are:
Ashwani Aggarwal
Albert William Okal
To find out more click on the following link:
Discussion on RPL