
Resolving Youth Unemployment and Empowering Youth


Providing information and discussing all issues related to empowering, developing and training youth and resolving youth unemployment.

This morning President Ramaphosa's message dealt with the resilience of South Africans.

South Africans bickering amongst themselves constantly - like birds fighting for position on a branch - until there is a common threat - or something perceived as a common threat - then South Africans are prepared to work together - and do succeed.

Clearly, we have a greater threat - poverty and unemployment - 7 out of 10 young people unemployed.
One does not need to have a degree in economics to know that is unsustainable.

Please circulate this opportunity to anyone you feel would benefit.
See attached for full requirement details - are you:
Young - qualify as youth
with disability
in Central Johannesburg or Cape Town
with good command of English
hold a South African identity document and
have a Medical certificate confirming type of disability.

See details attached - apply directly to Career Pathing Solutions.

I had intended to copy the items relating to skills development, from this adress circulated by the Presidency, but the whole address makes sense in context. So I have attached the address.

Please note in the attached:

One of the members of ASDSA asked about email policy, and Angelique found this excellent document from the John Hopkins Carey Business School. She is happy I share with members as well.

I thought it would be especially useful for young people - looking for employment - just starting in employment - how to behave/communicate via email.

See attached.

Please see this special edition of the South African Review of Education (SARE) Journal
Editors: Azeem Badroodien and Aslam Fataar

Although it is not specifically about youth, I thought I would post it here as a complement to the International Labour Organisation (ILO) article on the impact of COVID-19 to the World of Work.

If you don't have time to make your way through the whole Journal, please most especially see the article by Allais and Marock on skills formation: Educating for work in the time of Covid-19: Moving beyond simplistic ideas of supply and demand.

This group on youth matters, and particularly youth unemployment, has been quiet and not at all active. Given our levels of youth unemployment that is unfortunate.

Now this report by the International Labour Organisation (ILO), illustrates the impact of COVID-19 on the World of Work. It clearly shows how the measures to deal with the virus have disproportionately affected the young generation. Not only their education and training, but also their employment, with potential long-term negative impacts.

As we are all very aware - interventions that respond to our massive youth unemployment problem are required.

Reminder -
15-24 years of age - 58.1%
25-34 years of age - 35.6%

"Draft National Youth Policy 2020 - 2030. A decade to accelerate a positive youth development project."

Please see the draft attached National Youth Policy attached.


Does anyone have any inputs regarding the use of Impact sourcing (deliberate hiring of unskilled and inexperienced youth) as a model to assist with the youth unemployment problem specifically in rural areas?

I am part of a group looking into this concept and to look at what business would need to participate in such a project - what are the risks and benefits to business etc.

Are you one of the many South Africans who feel that they would like to do more to create a better future - but life is busy and you are not sure how - or where - to assist.

If you have a My School card you are able to choose the schools you want to support, and every time you go shopping at participating stores, such as Woolworths - you are automatically donating to your chosen schools.
Really easy and not time-consuming at all - once you have received your card.

The following report was issued by in the third edition Thursday 11 October 2018.

"Expanded Public Works Programme (EPWP) participants are getting more than just an opportunity to be gainfully employed.

The Department of Public Works -- the custodian of the EPWP -- has partnered with the Financial Sector Conduct Authority (FSCA) to deliver basic financial literacy education to the participants of the programme.


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