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Poverty Unemployment & Empowering Youth
Poverty Unemployment & Youth Unemployment
South Africa has a joblessness crisis: fixing it will take fresh thinking to find a game-changer
An estimated 23.6 million young Africans (aged 15-35) are unemployed – that’s one in 22 (4.5%).
Over the last week - from 12 April, 2024 - the Department of Employment and Labour (DEL) has been launching the Labour Activation Programme (LAP). That announcement may sound familiar to Skills-universe members - was that not already launched some time ago? Yes, Minister Nxesi explained the programme refers back to 2019, when it was first announced.
Tomorrow, Thursday, 04 February 2021, President Ramaphosa will launch the Gender-Based Violence and Femicide (GBVF) Response Fund.
The fund has been led by the International Women’s Forum South Africa (IWFSA), and brings in private sector funding, this will support the implementation of the National Strategic Plan (NSP).
As with our regular "Family Meetings", we will be able to watch the livestreamed proceedings.
Members of the media are invited to cover the launch:
The UIF-TER National Disaster Application System - A Frank Evaluation
Dear Colleagues,
we have been asked to evaluate your frank impression of the UIF-TER System, for purposes of a general, across-platform input into the Labour Portfolio Committee in Parliament.
Kindly complete this Questionnaire about your experiences and be assured that only the aggregated report will be submitted for consideration.
Please see attached - apologies for quality I picked it up from Facebook.
2 days - 26th-27th July 2019 at the University of Johannesburg.