
HR & Personnel Practitioners


skills-universe members who have human resource & personnel responsibilities

Hi All

We have a wide range of candidates who have finished some training with us, and we hoping to reach out to providers looking for candidates to do learnerships / internship.

Our aim is to upskill our candidate database as much as we can to successfully assist them with achieving their goal and/or experience required. Should you have any programmes running, and you in need of candidates, please make contact with me and we will gladly assist where we can.

email: [email protected]

Department of Employment and Labour (DEL) has released gazettes, under the Basic Conditions of Employment Act (BCEA), effective 1 March 2021 on:
* the revised Earnings Level - that is the BCEA level, over which overtime is not legally required (it may still be required under other contractual arrangements);
* the revised National Minimum Wage (NMW) levels.

The NMW levels are determined for:
* general employees,
* for farm workers,
* for domestic workers, and
* for Expanded Public Works Programmes.

Good day

Kindly assist me with contact information for payroll training , kindly note that this is not for systems but the basic payroll and administration functions . My email is [email protected]

Thank you in advance

I have level 6 OD ETDP, but want do go deeper into training and implementing of training,when can I do HRM or HRD level 6, please assist

It seems this pandemic has no quick fixes. So, to keep the wheels of learning turning for employees, LFP Group is offering a Skills Programme
that is aligned to the current global issue, and is accredited. Employees with a smartphone or any device that links to the internet, can access this Skills Programme. All users accessing the platform from SA data networks will have no data costs (offer is for a limited time only). It is also available to countries outside SA.

I wanted to find out from anyone whether as to what the most common practice is around leave accumulation.
We currently have leave accumulation at the start of the month (basically in advance). We wanting to explore what the best practice is and whether company’s add on leave at the start or end of the month.
Can you give me an indication please?

Because human beings are destined to think, all information on earth was created by human brains.

This rule, i.e. that the brain is a knowledge creator, is acknowledged everywhere in the world, except in schools where learners’ brains are turned into knowledge duplicators.

(this is an extract from my latest book: Potential Development using Thinking Tools)

I provide Thinking Tools sessions to clients using Zoom Conferencing.

Good afternoon

We have been approached by one of South Africa’s largest employers who would like to act as a Host Employer to unemployed community members wanting to attend a range of learnerships, including production technology, and health & safety training.

They have asked us to find some companies wanting to act as a Lead Employer that will fund thelearnerships, while the learners receive their workplace experience at a different site.

Learnership Lab will assist with the recruitment of the learners, as well as the training.

Last week I was privileged to speak as a guest speaker at the ICB Provider Breakfasts in Bedfordview. As the audience were all Training Providers, I spoke on how to sell learnerships to clients with reference to B-BBEE and the ETI.
This made me wonder if the HR and Personnel Practitioners on this forum have all the tools to make out a convincing Financial Argument in this regard when they make proposals to Management.
So herewith a version of my talk in PowerPoint for your convenience!


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