
Higher Education and training


For discussion of all matters affecting universities, including universities of technology, and private institutions. That includes, policies on funding, student financial aid of all forms - including the National Student Financial Aid Scheme.

Educating for Employment in South Africa:

Developing the Foundations for Employability

Graduates know that simply getting a qualification doesn't provide sufficient access to the world of work. In an increasingly borderless world, post-school education and training institutions need to respond by developing strong employability frameworks to support students and graduates. By unlocking the potential for employability, these institutions can remain relevant and compete on a global stage.

To all the experienced skills development practitioners out there - have you thought of furthering your education with a Masters or PhD qualification?

Please read the attached for details of - FUNDED - opportunities at Wits.

Details of the research areas in skills development are wonderfully exciting - take the challenge - you've always wanted to study further.
Now is your chance.

Funded research fellowships - in the top institution for skills development research.

Of interest to some of our members I am sure - announcement of a new series, and looking for further contributions:

Keywords in Teacher Education.

Forthcoming titles

Assessment: Keywords in Teacher Education, Christine Harrison (Kings College London, UK), PB 9781350173286, Jan 2022

Communities: Keywords in Teacher Education, Ken Zeichner (University of Washington, USA), PB 9781350173330, Feb 2022

CHE accreditation is notoriously difficult if you have never done it before. And it is a long process, that is full of pitfalls if you have never done it before. It is NOT like submitting to SETA.

I've given answers to the questions that I am often asked by private providers seeking my help with their application for accreditation with the Council on Higher Education. I've also include the table of costs.

The SABPP’s role is to professionalise this function to ensure that HR becomes an increasingly recognized and respected profession. The Board is an accredited ETQA (Education and Training Quality Assurance body) under the SAQA Act and thus a statutory body.

The following is an article I received from Suzanne Hattingh, as she wasn't really sure where it should be posted on skills-universe. Her email generated a conversation & resulted in a decision to form this group - finally educed by the Cloete & van Schalkwyk article.

CHE (Council on Higher Education) should follow the UK example of programme accreditation by the professional bodies.

Hi to all.
Please remember to look for the tiny word Subscribe - and click there to ensure you receive updates from the group.

I have also set it up so that everyone is able to invite members, so if you have made a connection/friend, then you will be able to invite them.

Looking forward to some good posts in this group.

Whether or not we are parents or grandparents of a university or TVET college student, & have some knowledge about the National Student Financial Aid Scheme (NSFAS), if we have watched any television news lately, we will be aware of tertiary students protesting.

What about, and why we don't always understand, and TV reports are usually a collection of sound bites, without in depth analysis.

So, to read last weeks article by Nico Cloete and Francois van Schalkwyk is to enter an entirely new level of understanding.


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