eSkills - eLearning - ePractitioners
No matter how bad disasters and traumatic events are - there is always the possibility for something better to emerge.
The Quality Council for Trades and Occupations (QCTO) has acknowledged the reality of an extended period of social distancing as a response to COVID-19.
Consequently, the QCTO has taken a decision to relax the regulations around the delivery mode of qualifications on the Occupational Qualifications Sub Framework (OQSF). The QCTO is responsible for occupational qualifications and trades.
The Services Seta has put interim measures in place to facilitate online learning.
The Executive Management has approved as follows:
* accredited Skills Development Providers (SDP)s can apply to implement online learning using their own online platforms - know as:
Online learning programme approval for already accredited programmes.
* SDPs that conducted training face to face & have electronic PoEs, can apply for online external moderation of the electronic PoEs,
I need off the shelf eLearning courses
1. Soft Skills
2. Computer Literacy
3. Leadership
4. Management
5. Sales Skills
Please make contact on [email protected]
Kindly allow me to introduce myself. I am Saleam Essop and I am the lead developer of the Inschool VSS ( Virtual School System ) Details of the technology is explained on our website at
The system is a powerful course and lesson building and delivery technology with an assessment component. It is especially suited to deliver eTeaching, eLearning and eAssessments.
I have not heard for a while about the status of e-Learning and SAQA/SETA/QCTO guidelines.
Does anyone know something about the current status? Will it be my while to develop 100% e-Learning programmes and courses?
What would you say is the best way to motivate an employee to do elearning rather that a workshop?
I am looking for an Articulate Storyline 2 developer to develop 11 20 minute courses. Please contact me to set up an appointment. ([email protected])
The meaning of "Mobility" in education is not always clear.
Mobility could refer to social mobility - that is:the ability to move from working class to middle class based upon the level of education of level achieved and the rise in income and status.
Mobility is also sometimes confused with articulation - the ability to build upon a qualification acquired and move for example from a technical work qualification to an academic qualification at a traditional university.
I am looking for a no nonsense comparison of the pros and cons of Moodle and JoomlaLMS. I am looking at the implementation of blended-learning delivery and management for a corporate internal academy with some potential for external clients as well. Any advice or inputs on the suitability of either Moodle or JoomlaLMS would be appreciated. Other systems are not under consideration right now.