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Please see a seminar invitation forwarded by the South African Education Research Association (SAERA).
"The Seminar will discuss critical issues relating to education and inequality. It will consider the Brackenfell High School conflict and how it challenges efforts at social cohesion in and through education.
It will further reflect on the 2020 Grade 12 results and how they starkly illustrate inequities in learning outcomes between rich and poor schools and learners.
Attention will also be paid to how the COVID-19 pandemic has deepened and exacerbated global, regional, national inequities in public education and how policy responses reveal a narrow focus on education content, undermining the affective dimension of teachers’ work and learner needs.
In this Research Seminar, Professor Yusuf Sayed (Sussex & CPUT) in conversation with Professor Crain Soudien (CEO: HSRC) will discuss challenges in realising equitable and quality teaching and learning in South Africa during times of crises and disruptions.
Topic: Critical education conversations during times of crises, disruptions, and uncertainty unpacking education (in)equalities
Date: Monday, 15 March 2021
Time: 15:30 p.m. (SAST)
Venue: CPUT, Mowbray Campus, Ground Floor: Room 0.55 (limited spaces for those who wish to attend in person)
Join: Zoom Meeting (Virtual)
Link: https://zoom.us/j/99937577675?pwd=ajhVMDl0TkEzOVBYM2VnVE9YTExjUT09
Meeting ID: 999 3757 7675
Passcode: 4WpPsk
Chair: Professor Robert Van Niekerk (WSG Chair in Public Governance)
For RSVP’s and any enquiries please send an email to [email protected]
We look forward to seeing you at the Research Seminar.
Prof. Y. Sayed
SARChI Chair in Teacher Education
Director: CITE"
Please see the invitation leaflet attached.