
proposed SME Networking Session

By selwynvhschrieff, 14 May, 2010

Hi all,

a colleague - Paul Thompson, and I are workin to put together a SMME
networking session for SME's from the Western, Southern and Eastern
Cape. The idea is to run the session over a two or three day period in
Port Rlizabeth.

Programme contents envisaged:

* Presentation on the problems faced by SME's in the Cape

* Highlight areas of potential co -operation as opposed to


* Assist SME's in creating alliances and synergies.

* Explore and encourage the development of a "virtual" Business

centre using Skills- Universe as the main platform.

* Exploration of export markets in EU, Africa, Middle East, South

East Asia.

* Business leads for importers

* Across trade / industry idea exchange

(at tthis stage the agenda is still up for discussion and member's input
will be appreciated).

We also intend to have representation from: Financial Institutions; DTI;
An accountant who specialises in SME's.

We will approach the LED's in each area with a view to them assisting
with the promotion of the project as a whole.

Perhaps Microsoft will come on board with some Free Software or at least
offer to discount the purchases of the attendin SME's.

Finally we will provide a panel of SME development specialists who will
be available for both general advisory services (No Charge) and if
required, One on One consultations.

We will approach on eof the major banks with a view to sponsorship of a
venue; refreshments; useful handouts etc.

Comments please one and all, your input will be greatly appreciated

Selwyn Schrieff


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