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President Zuma raised youth unemployment and a proposal to incentivise and encourage employers to increase employment in his 2010 State of the Nation address.
From the time DHET Minister Nzimande assumed responsibility for higher education and training, he has mentioned youth in his speeches. Research conducted for the department indicated that 3 million young people are not in employment, education, or training - NEETs.
This year on 18 April 2013 we have seen the Youth Accord signed by the social partners at the Hector Pieterson Memorial in Orlando, Soweto.
The proposed solution of a youth wage subsidy has been heavily debated and reported within the media. COSATU has expressed concern that employers would simply dismiss older current employees to take on younger employees and so qualify for the subsidy.
That concern is addressed in the current proposals issued by the Treasury under the title of "Employment Tax Incentive Bill" - now published for comment. In addition, there is an Explanatory Memorandum, FAQs developed by the Treasury to aid understanding, and a media briefing published on the government website.
Please see attached documents, in the order that seems easiest to understand:-
- the Media statement
- the FAQs
- the Explanatory Memorandum
and the draft Bill
The Bill is open for comment in writing to Treasury until close of business Friday 13 October 2013.
For interest the Youth Accord document is also attached