
Permanent vacancy seeking

By sellorapuli, 1 March, 2018

Good day Colleagues,

I am looking for a permanent vacancy that will fit my current responsibilities as follows:
-Contextualize, Design, implement and maintain a Quality Management System
-Ensure continuous compliance to different departments and stakeholders in the SETA/ DHET/ as well as Quality assuring bodies policies and procedures
-Engage and build SETA/Stakeholder relationships, and ensure the holding of records thereof.
-Research and create a process and workflow model for management of individual SETA requirements
-Manage the upload of learner results across multiple SETA’s, as per SETA specific requirements.
-Follow up and book external moderations/verifications/ as well as external moderation management.
-Prepare for external moderation / verification and ensure compliance of all projects
-Manage external moderation visits and verifications, and follow ups with the SETA ETQA (and certification department)
-Ensure registration and compliance of Assessors and Moderators (specific to SETA requirements and maintain currency)
-Manage project review feedback and updates to assessment tools with the D&D Manager
-Follow up to ensure learner certification
-Advise of risk and non-compliance (across departments, individuals and projects)
-Manage the operational activities of the assessment centre to ensure compliance.


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