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Department of Higher Education & Training (DHET) issued Skills Development Circular 12 of 2021 on the 15 December 2021. Please see attached file.
The circular confirms that the Annexure II (WSP & ATR & PIVOTAL reports & plans) should apply the 2021 Organising Framework of Occupations (OFO) codes (attached) for all planning purposes, as follows:
OFO 2021 for all WSPs (Workplace Skills Plans & PIVOTAL plans).
The Sector Education & Training Authorities (SETAs) will use the updated 2021 for all sector priority skills planning (Sectoral Priority Occupations (SPO)s), and the Sector Skills Plans (SSPs).
Therefore, the Reports (ATRs) and PIVOTAL reports will use OFO 2019 codes, consistent with reporting against the plans that were made previously.