When posting please remember that you are wanting to create a business relationship - whether a contract or work relationship. Use your post to present a professional image of yourself & if relevant, your organisation. In addition to what you are looking for, provide your name, title, and contact details.
I am currently looking for a ODETDP(Occupationally Directed Education Training Development Practices) learnership, I will highly appreciate it if someone can assist me in getting one.
please contact me on the following:
Thato Leku
HR Learner
GSA, AAG, Armourplate and Primador
Office line: 011 392 4430, Fax: 086 621 5055
Email: [email protected]
Address: 112 koornhof Road, Meadowdale, 1619
Postnet Suite 49, Private Bag X10020, Edenvale, 1610