
Movement of Portfolios

By carlovisser, 21 May, 2012

In the context of a national provider – who performs summative assessments separate from the contact training – with evidence (both direct and indirect) collated into one PoE by learner, team and manager and then sent to one assessment site centrally for a desktop assessment.

Bearing in mind there are hundreds of learners from many companies, all around the country – what would the best practice be with PoEs once assessed?

  1. 1.       Sending to and fro between learner and assessor (huge postage and risk of loss of PoE)
  2. 2.       Learner keeping a copy and reffering to that once work is assessed.


Does the learner need ever see their PoE again if they have a full and precise report? 


Comments would be welcome                                         


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