
Invitation Workshop QCTO and Services SETA qualifications review and alignment

By sylviahammond, 26 April, 2016

 The invitation is to a workshop for analysing dormant qualifications and re-aligning historically active qualifications within the Services SETA for occupational qualifications.

 You are cordially invited to a workshop where qualifications relating to the Labour and Collective Services Chamber would be evaluated. The status of these qualifications is either dormant (no Leaner uptake/enrolments) or Active (Learners enrolled and certificated).

  The QCTO is analysing all registered qualifications on the Occupational Qualifications Sub-Framework (OQSF) drawn from the National Learner Record Database, to determine if these are being utilised. This will result in a recommendation to expire those qualifications that are not utilised after a due consultation process has been conducted. Furthermore based on the outcomes, those that have been identified as having Learner uptake and /or still valuable and active will be realigned to the Occupation Qualification model.

 The Services SETA seeks to consult with the Communities of Expert Practitioners (CEP’s) in order to identify the need of the qualifications to be expired or those that are essential to be re-aligned to the New Qualifications Development Process.


Workshop details:

 Date    : 26 May 2016

 Venue  : Services SETA Centurion Office

 Lake Buena Vista Building

 Cnr Hendrik Verwoerd & Embarkment


 Time    : 10H00 to 13H00


RSVP by: 20 May 2016

Gloria Maulana / [email protected]  / 011 276 9639


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