
How to post a question or discussion in the Discussion Groups

By sylviahammond, 1 November, 2018

We have made a change to the Discussion Groups.
Click upon Discussion Groups.
There are a number of ways to find a group suitable to what you need.

There is a box that allows you to change how the groups are sorted:
Alphabetically, the most members, the last created, or the last used.
You can scroll down to find a group
type a key word into the Search box.
For example, if you type Assessment - the Assessment and Moderation group will come up.

The group will automatically open to the Forum, where you can read previous discussions, and post your own discussion or question.
(There is also an Activity page, which is a summary of everything that has happened in the group, so you can use it to see what has happened in the group.)

To add you question or discussion, scroll down to the bottom of the discussions, add your title, and your discussion, put some key words in the Topic Tags, ignore the next few boxes, and click on the box to received an email when anyone responds to your discussion.
You can add one or more attachments - but not more than 5mg.
Click to submit.


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