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The Minister of Labour has issued a revised draft Code of Good Practice on the employment of people who have disabilities.
The code falls under the implementation of employment equity as people with disabilities may be discriminated against in many ways - sometimes without deliberate intention. The code states examples such as recruitment and selection processes, or the use of selection tests, or unfounded assumptions about what the disabled can do and achieve.
The code provides definitions persons with disability, and reasonable accommodation, and sets out every aspect of employment, confidentiality, recruitment testing and selection, through development and training, employment benefits, to termination.
Revised Code of Good Practice Employment Persons with Disability
The Minister is asking for comments by Friday 10 July,2015.
Written comments to the following address:
By post:
Department of Labour Employment Equity Directorate
Attention: Mr Innocent Makwarela
Private Bag X 117 Pretoria 0001
By e-mail: [email protected], [email protected], or
Hand delivered at: Laboria House,Room 109, 215 Francis Baard Street, Pretoria 0001.
Any inquiries in connection with the revised Draft Code of Good Practice on the Employment of Persons with Disabilities for public comment should be directed to Mr Innocent Makwarela at 012 -3094056 or Mr Niresh Singh at 012 309 4034.