
Don't Lose Out on Being QCTO Ready!!!!!

By lynelfarrell, 8 September, 2016

Dear Skills Universe Members,

On the 7th September 2016 a meeting was arranged by the QCTO to meet with Dr Hannes Nel, Mr Alan Hammond, the APPETD and myself.  Ms Lebogang Mabunda (Deputy Director: Marketing, advocacy & capacity building) arranged the meeting in such a professional way.  The meeting was presented and facilitated by Mr Thomas Lata (Chief Director: Occupational Qualifications Management) and Mr Vijayen Naidoo (Chief Director: Occupational Quality Assurance).

We were given the opportunity to engage freely, which was absolutely fantastic.  The QCTO is well aware of various concerns, problems and difficulties that Providers are experiencing – it is not being ignored (if that is what you thought). 

The QCTO is also facing big challenges, which we do not know about, but it was very clear to me that the QCTO is not going to complain, moan or give negative feedback on what they are experiencing on a daily basis.  I take my hat off to them!

1. Have we complained and moaned about the QCTO?  Yes, we have.

2. Did this get us anywhere?  No, it didn’t.

3. Do we care?  Yes, we do


Okay, so why am I posting this discussion?  Well, the QCTO is on the move and you must get ready for big and positive changes.  The QCTO want to engage with stakeholders, I am talking to you, the Provider.  Yes, you!!  The QCTO did not forget about you, but it is clear that Providers can also make a difference.  The priority is education and up-skilling South Africa, this is what you do!  The QCTO is planning to engage with providers nationwide, be prepared, be ready and get involved.  This is a wonderful opportunity for everyone, make sure you don’t miss out.  Dates will be scheduled in due time.

For those having big issues with SETAs, this is what you need to do.

1. Firstly, address the problem with the specific individual working with your issue,

2. If this is not resolved, then you communicate with the Head/Manager of that department.

3. Still not sorted? Communicate then to the CEO of the SETA.

4. Still not sorted? Ensure you have all the correspondence in writing as evidence, and that you have in fact followed the correct reporting line, this you can then take up with the QCTO.  Please ensure that you have factual information, proof of your attempts and that your issue is valid.  The QCTO will take action to deal with the issue. 


On that note, I urge you to work with the QCTO, be patient, remain positive and get involved!  I wish Mr Lata, Mr Naidoo and Ms Mabunda of the QCTO best of luck in their journey to success and making a positive difference to all.


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