
Do you have the skills set required in the GIG economy?

By suzannehattingh, 15 April, 2019

The world of work in the 4th Industrial Revolution will result in a larger part of the workforce being engaged in alternative work arrangements, with many doing work for more than one organisation at the same time. This will be increasingly common in the ‘GIG economy’: a labour market characterised by flexible, on-demand work in short-term contracts or freelance work. These workers are paid for each ‘gig’ they do, such as transport (Uber), letting a room to tourists (Airbnb) or delivering food (Mr Delivery) – but none of them will earn a salary. People who thrive in the GIG economy will need different skills sets from what is needed in the formal economy where most workers are working for an employer for a monthly salary.

We explored the skills needed for the 4th IR at the launch of the Chartall Business College's programmes aimed at developing the critically needed 21st Century skills. Extract of the presentation attached.


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