
Code of Good Practice Prevention & Elimination of Harassment

By sylviahammond, 22 March, 2022

The Department of Employment and Labour has published a Code of Good Practice on the Prevention and Elimination of Harassment in the workplace.

This code replaces the previous Amended Code on the Handling of Sexual Harassment Cases in the Workplace, from August 2005.

Remember: the Employment Equity Act applies to all employers - not just the designed employers in Chapter Three, who have to report annually. Harassment is defined as a form of unfair discrimination, in terms of Chapter Two Prohibition of Unfair Discrimination.

This code spells out in far more explicit detail exactly what behaviour is considered harassment. So essential for implementers of employment equity, and skills development, all trainers and educators, and all human resource managment people to read and understand.

This code is effective immediately from date of publication, so 18 March 2022.


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