When posting please remember that you are wanting to create a business relationship - whether a contract or work relationship. Use your post to present a professional image of yourself & if relevant, your organisation. In addition to what you are looking for, provide your name, title, and contact details.
The brain has receptors responsible for gathering chronological types of information from other senses. They interpret the physical position of the sun via the eyes to instil a feeling of time passed. This provides for “getting a sense of time” or “having a sense of passing of time”. They are called chronosensors and are responsible for measuring the passing of time when a person progresses through an activity.
Chronosensors can be tricked, cheated or misled. For example, if a task is not enjoyed, it feels like it is taking forever, while it feels as if time is flying when one is busy with an enjoyable task.
Chrono-literacy becomes more important when learners have to balance school and personal activities as well as in adult years when time management is important.