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Christmas Reflections
A time for giving, receiving and sharing
A time for reflection on all that has passed
A time to ponder, maybe just wonder
What could have changed, what might have been?
Reflect now and think - not of yourself
Of those in your life, you love - even hate
Think of the good, forget all the bad
Forget all the hurt others have caused
Look at the good that surrounds you each day
Look for the good in all those you meet
Consider your faults, not those of others
Change places with them and see how you feel?
Tolerate all, God made us equal
Don’t set yourself above all the rest
Look upon all, as brothers and sisters
Love them as such and show them that love
Share what you have with those who have needs
Learn how to give - forget your own greed
Give of yourself if that’s all you have
But give from the heart - hold nothing back
Christmas will come and soon will be gone
Reflection will happen as the year nears its end
Make a decision before this transpires
To make amends as your conscience dictates
Ask for forgiveness from those you have wronged
Show love to all who come into you life
Bear no one grudges and carry no hate
Become like the Christ Child, innocent, pure
The spirit of Christmas is the spirit of Love
A spirit of giving, receiving and sharing
Let’s all reflect on the meaning now lost
Of what Christmas was and what it’s become
Copyright - Des Squire 2016