
China to provide training and skills development programme for officials

By sylviahammond, 19 July, 2015

 South African media has covered extensively the detention of South Africans in China while the Deputy President Ramaphosa was visiting.  Now the reports that the DP travelled with an a senior government delegation comprising: Ministers Blade Nzimande and Lynne Brown and Deputy Ministers Nomanindia Mfeketo, Mcebisi Jonas, Thembi Majola and Mzwandile Masina. The delegation also included senior government officials and executives of several state-owned enterprises, including Telkom, Eskom, Denel and the South African Bureau of Standards (SABS).

 China has agreed to a placement of South African government officials and business leaders on a training and skills development programme. “The Chinese Academy of Governance agreed to a placement of South African government officials and business leaders." 

“South Africa's National School of Government will finalise details with counterparts in the Chinese Academy of Governance. Initiatives are already underway to identify relevant training programmes for public service managers,” said the Presidency.

This was one of the key outcomes of Deputy President Cyril Ramaphosa’s visit to China from 13 to 17 July 2015, which included:

  • bilateral discussions with Vice President Li Yuanchao and Premier Li Kieqang reaffirming the important strategic relationship 
  • the countries will continue to work on implementing the five to ten year strategic programme of cooperation signed  in December 2014.

Six priority areas identified for 2015 will be implemented - China will assist South Africa to:

  • advance its industrialisation process,
  • develop its special economic zones,
  • fast-track its infrastructure build programme,
  • develop its oceans economy,
  • develop its human resources, and
  • access development finance.

In addition, South Africa and China will extend the terms of the Memorandum of Understanding between the Department of Public Enterprises and State-Owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission (SASAC) on the management of state owned enterprises (SOEs). This aims to enhance the capacity of the state to position SOEs to drive industrialisation and unlock private sector investment between the two countries.

Each of the companies the Deputy President met with expressed an interest in establishing or expanding existing operations in South Africa. Several undertook to provide training opportunities to young South Africans in China. This included a firm offer from Huawei to support a five-year ICT training programme for 1 000 South African students aiming to pursue a career in technology and innovation.

The Deputy President and his delegation examined how lessons from the Chinese model of state-owned enterprises could assist South Africa in promoting industrialisation and economic development. The Deputy President visited the Chinese Academy of Governance, met with the Chairperson of SASAC and exchanged views about building the capacity of SOE managers and strengthening governance and accountability.

The Deputy President also addressed the South Africa-China State Owned Enterprises Seminar in Beijing, which was attended by representatives of South African and Chinese SOEs, and visited the Beijing Economic Technological Development Area, which has successfully combined innovative urban development with industrial and commercial development.

Deputy President Ramaphosa also paid visits to Qingdao and Shenzhen and met with senior executives of several companies, including Haier, Hisense, Huawei, the China Rail Company, the China Merchant Group, ZTE and the Mayor of Shenzhen, and visited the Shenzhen Comprehensive Traffic Command Centre, which is an integral part of Shenzhen's smart city concept.

Report by edited by the skills-universe


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