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This is a copy from the UNESCO-UNEVOC TVet forum.
As you will see below there is a request to circulate to those who may be interested.
I have checked the link - the content will be of interest to many of our members. Not only is the core topic skills development but it also focuses on the global south.
"Trent Brown from Australia:
Dear all,
I would like to share details of an online academic workshop that I will be convening (along with Prof Geert de Neve, University of Sussex) on 'The Social Life of Skills.' The workshop will explore social science perspectives on skills and skill development, with a special focus on global South contexts.
You can find details here and submit your abstract using the submission button at the bottom of the page. https://geography.unimelb.edu.au/news/call-for-papers-the-social-life-of-skills
Please feel free to circulate amongst those who may be interested.
Best wishes,
Trent Brown, University of Melbourne."