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The DHET and all the entities - that is:
21 SETAs, 3 Quality Councils (CHE, Umalusi, QCTO), SAQA, and the NSFAS, are planning a research colloquium for the 18th & 19th September 2019, in Gauteng, at a venue to be confirmed.
The deadline for paper submission is the 19th May 2019.
"The aim of the 2019 Research Colloquium is to provide a platform for researchers to share new and emerging research on the 4th Industrial Revolution (4IR). This topic was proposed because of its growing significance in the Post-School Education and Training (PSET) landscape. The Colloquium will showcase and share new and cutting-edge research on key dimensions of the 4th Industrial Revolution, thus providing an opportunity for stakeholders to reflect on policy and practice."
Please see the following link for full details of the colloquium - the full programme topics, and details for paper submission.