
Assessor or Moderator Credentials for "Accreditation Processes"

By kutloisisomoalosi, 21 May, 2019

Good Afternoon. This entry is intended for Training Providers seeking to extend scopes with Services SETA. I am a constituent Assessor and Moderator with Services SETA for the following qualifications:

1.Project Management Level 4: 50080
2. National Certificate: Business Administration Services level 2: 23833
3. Further Education and Training Certificate: New Venture Creation Level 4 &2: 66249 & 49648
4. National Certificate: Business Administration Services: Level 3: 67465 LP 23655
5. National Certificate: Business Administration Services level 3: 67465 LP 67515
6. National Certificate: Governance and Administration level 6: 67696 LP 50224
7. National Certificate: Governance and Administration level 5: 50222
8. National Certificate: Project Support Service level 3: 50398
9. National Diploma: Customer Management level 5: 20908
10. National Certificate: Organisational Transformation and Change Management level 5: 49075
11. National Diploma: Organisational Transformation and Change Management level 5: 49076
12. Further Education and Training Certificate: Generic Management : Administration Management level 4: 57712 LP 58344
13. Further Education and Training Certificate: Generic Management: General Management level 4: 57712 LP 74630
14. National Certificate: Business Advising Operations level 6: 48967
15. National Certificate: Organisational Transformation and Change Management level 5: 49075
16. National Diploma: Organisational Transformation and Change Management level 5: 49076
17. Further Education and Training Certificate : Management and Administration level 4: 49129
18. Further Education and Training Certificate: Labour Recruitment Services level 4: 58063
19. Further Education and Training Certificate: Business Systems Operations: End User (ERP) level 4: 49176
20.National Certificate: Business Consulting Practice (Enterprise Resource Planning) level 5: 48874
21. Further Education and Training Certificate: Small Business Advising (Information Support) level 4: 48883
22. National Diploma: Contact Centre Management level 5: 21792
23. National Certificate: Labour Relations Practice level 5: 48641
24. National Diploma: Project Management level 5: 58309
25. National Certificate: Project Management level 5: 58395
26. Further Education and Training Certificate: Project Support Services level 4: 58800
27. National Certificate: Project Management level 5: 58395
28. National Diploma: Marketing Research level 5: 20896
29. National Certificate: Generic Management: General Management level 5: 59201 LP 60269
30. National Certificate: Generic Management: Strategic Management level 5: 59201 LP 74512
31. Further Education and Training Certificate:Business Administration Services level 4: 61595 LP 59909
32. Further Education and Training Certificate: Business Administration Services level 4: 61595 LP 35928
33. General Education and Training Certificate: Business Practice level 1: 61755
34. National Certificate: Community Development level 5: 80946 LP 83394
35. National Certificate: Management level 3: 83946 LP 23654
36. National Certificate: Management and Administration level 5: 84226 LP 49126
37. National Diploma: Business Consulting Practice level 5: 49419
38. National Certificate: Generic Management: Customer Management level 5: 59201 LP 60273

I can be contacted on 079 733 8621/kaydda@gmail.


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