
Application for Registration with DHET

By lynelfarrell, 10 November, 2017

Note 1 of 4: The compulsory application for registration with the DHET:

The main reason for this registration is to regulate the sector and reduce the number of bogus/fly-by-night providers and support the clamp down on fraudulent qualifications.

The registration and accreditation of Private/Independent Education Providers offering Qualifications and Part-Qualifications (NQF Level 1 – 6) which are registered on the NQF, need to apply for registration with the DHET.

The requirement in Communique 1 of 2016 applies to private education and training providers and skills development providers, irrespective of size (small, medium, large) to register with the DHET, if you are offering any OQSF qualifications or part qualifications registered on the NQF and quality assured by the QCTO (or SETA). The sub-framework over which the QCTO has quality assurance jurisdiction is called the Occupational Qualifications Sub-framework (OQSF).

The aim of Registration is that all private TRAINING providers be accredited by one or more of the 3 Quality Councils (CHE, QCTO and Umalusi). Currently, Umalusi and CHE are fully in charge of accreditation of Training providers that offer or seek to offer qualifications/part-qualifications from the 2 councils Sub-frameworks (General and Further Education and Training; and HQSF). Given that QCTO is a new addition to the existing old 2 Quality Councils and is still building capacity in its various areas of responsibility, the QCTO has delegated its function of accreditation to SETAs.

SETAs are by no means Quality Councils but are “agents” to which QCTO has delegated a specific function (Accreditation) until QCTO is able to execute this function on its own. The DHET recognizes this specific arrangement and as a result accepts SETA accreditations for registration of private providers as Private Colleges (Level 1 – 6, Form FPX-01) and as Private Higher Education Institutions(Level 7 and 8, Form APX-01).
Don’t confuse the applications, if you complete the wrong application, it will be rejected. This will mean that you have to start all over again.

In order to post the next 3 explanations/clarification/notes, there needs to be some kind of interest.


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