When posting please remember that you are wanting to create a business relationship - whether a contract or work relationship. Use your post to present a professional image of yourself & if relevant, your organisation. In addition to what you are looking for, provide your name, title, and contact details.
We have many new members - so this might be useful advice.
Are you switching between access using your computer or laptop, and using your cell phone on the move?
Do you battle to find your place on the cell phone - it doesn't look the same as when you access via your computer?
That's because there is a special format for cell phones, but personally I always prefer my desktop view.
So if you want to change what you see on your cell phone -
*When you access the site, you will see 3 little dots on the top right hand side.
*Click there and a drop down menu opens, look for "Desktop site" (you might have to scroll down a bit).
*Click there - you don't have to save, it will automatically change what you see to be exactly the same as your computer or laptop screen.