When posting please remember that you are wanting to create a business relationship - whether a contract or work relationship. Use your post to present a professional image of yourself & if relevant, your organisation. In addition to what you are looking for, provide your name, title, and contact details.
I have often observed that many new service providers ask for accredited material. It is important to note that we, nor any other Developer can sell “accredited training material” as the accreditation processes of the SETAs are linked to the individual training providers and the training provider’s Quality Management System, rollout plans, etc.
We can therefore only supply you with “Accreditation Ready” material and we undertake to correct the material to meet the requirements of the various SETAs, as the training provider goes through the accreditation process and receives feedback from the SETA verifier.
Each of our learning packs consists of the following:
- Learner Guide
- Learner Workbook (formative assessment)
- Learner Portfolio of Evidence Guide (summative assessment)
- Facilitator Guide with Memorandum
- Assessor Assessment Guide with Memorandum
- Assessor Feedback Document
- Moderation Plan, Guide and Report
- Curriculum Strategy and Alignment document
- Optional extra: PowerPoint slides can be created at an additional cost
Connect with me for our well crafted material, from experienced developers who know the industry well.