
ECD Centres in Need!

By wilmadevilliers, 22 November, 2010

It was heartbreaking to see the picture in the Sunday Times, 21 November 2010:
Thirteen pre-schoolers sleeping on four small matrasses! This photo was taken at an Early Childhood Development
site at a Cape Town- based NGO.

I read the article and for the first time read about the VODACOM CHANGE THE WORLD programme. The day care centre where the photo was taken is one of the organisations around the country that was selected as part of the project. "Ten professionals will be chosen to volunteer with one of the charities for 6 months, starting in April next year - and get paid for it." (Sunday Times, 22 Nov page 8). Vodacom places the volunteer at no cost to the NGO to boost it organisational capacity.

We are involved in the training of people working at ECD sites and the need for trained staff and better equipped centres is tremendous. The people working at many of these sites are not qualified and often can't afford to study. They also can't afford to buy the necessary equipment to upgrade their centres. At most of these centres there are definitely not a lack of love and security!

(Photo scanned from the Sunday Times, 21 November 2010, page 8. Picture: Shelley Christians)

Refer to the website for more information about the project that Vodacom is running:



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