
DHET Minister opposes application in Labour Court

By sylviahammond, 2 July, 2017

According to news reports in a Durban newspaper the Sunday Tribune, and also carried on the IOL Politics site, the DHET Minister Nzimande has opposed an application in the Labour Court for release of a report on financial matters at the University of Kwa-Zulu.

The court application was lodged by Josephine Naicker, who was dismissed after only five months service. She had been appointed as the Head of Internal Audit at the University.

The forensic report in question was prepared by Ernst and Young, and the subject appears to concern the purchase of housing at a private estate. The university denies that there is anything untoward and it is reported that the DHET Minister is opposing the application on the grounds that it is a confidential report.
For full details, see the IOL report available on this link:
IOL news report DHET Minister opposes report request



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