When posting please remember that you are wanting to create a business relationship - whether a contract or work relationship. Use your post to present a professional image of yourself & if relevant, your organisation. In addition to what you are looking for, provide your name, title, and contact details.
The existing regulatory systems are complex and difficult to understand. Post-school education is governed by a variety of legislation and statutory bodies. The system need to be streamlined. There is no single co-ordinated system in South Africa. Post-school education is fragmented. There are no coordination and there is a lack of coherence within educational provision(Green Paper,2012, p.xii). The Department of Higher Education and Training was established in 2009, bringing together all post school education and training institutions that were formerly with the Department of Education as wells as the skills levy institutions formerly under the Department of Labour.(Green Paper, 2012, p.x).
The purpose of the Skills Development Levies Act (SDLA) was probably to fill the gap of policies regarding workplace training, but it is unsuccessful in doing so. The SDLA requires every employer to pay a Skills Development Levy rate of 1% of the leviable amount. This money is used for workplace-training. A company can claim back some of the money they’ve contributed if they spend money on the training of their staff (Green Paper, 2012, p.xii). The question is: Is this system effective?
The qualifications and quality assurance framework has overlapping directives. There is ongoing confusion and frustrations around the ‘turf’ of the different quality assurance bodies; South African Qualification’s Authority, Umalusi, HEQC, etc. The National Qualification’s Framework (NQF) does not meet the need of placing individual qualifications on levels on a framework. The purpose of the NQF was to provide a ladder for qualifications, but currently it is only providing a ladder for NQF qualifications (Green Paper, 2012, p.15).