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Individual Change
Individual change management is the process of providing tools and training to employees to enable them to manage their personal transition through change. This includes training for managers and supervisors to equip them with the tools they need to assist their employees through the change process.
The major gap in individual change management is knowledge about the change itself and the required new skills. The appropriate solution is to develop training plans to correct this knowledge gap. Teams that can maintain a results-orientation are in a better position to develop and implement corrective action based on the root cause of employee resistance.
The process for using individual change management tools begins with training for managers, supervisors, and team leaders. These front-line coaches are a critical component of individual change management. In many cases, these key employees will be the "trainers" for their work groups when it is not feasible for the company to train every employee.
A coach needs to challenge any attempt to prescribe innovation, and encourage managers to consider whether their organisational culture is conducive to initiatives and experiments.
Next – Part 7/7 The Team Change