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Dear Sir/Madam
The National Planning Commission [NPC] has just shortly launched what is called NPC JAM in which all South African are called to participate in shaping the "2030 Vision",on the basis of the mandate bestowed to the Commissioners by the Presidency,to put forward solid research,sound evidence and clear recommendations for government.
The event was attended by DJ's,Academics,Youth,Civil Society,NPC,NYDA etc...
A JAM is a collaborative,on-line brainstaorming event disgned to bring massive audiences together to discuss ideas surrounding important social,economic and business challenges.
The primary target is young people between the ages of 16 and 35.
Participate by officially following the link https://www.collaborationjam.com/minijam3/npcjam/registration/ or follow the links from www.npconline.co.za
Many students at the launch raised issues such as 'a united SA,encouraging societal debates, embrace different voices, eradicating racism, enhance schooling facilities, crushing illiteracy, equal opportunities for all irrespective of our diverse backgrounds, crushing private capital, re-looking of institutional indepenence, eradicating poverty, debating what is under the land and how to benefit out of the land, confronting systematic challenges of governance, eradicating shortermism in planning etc...."
What is/are your view[s]? Choose this right moment to contribute!
Issued by:
Mampane Norman
National Spokesperson
Cell: 0720737959