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I enjoyed finding this speech by chance, delivered by Woodrow Wilson, President of the United States in 1909:

"The object of liberal training is not learning, but discipline and the enlightenment of the mind. The educated man is to be discovered by his point of view, by the temper of his mind, by his attitude towards life and his fair way of thinking.

"He can see, he can discriminate, he can combine ideas and perceive wither they lead; he has insight and comprehension.

Reading Room

Black Business Supplier Development Programme
[ Black includes African, Indian and Coloured ]

· Apply Now!

For the government incentive/grant programme designed to assist, establish, promote, and develop your business.
(Black businesses includes African, Indian and Coloured enterprises with a minimum share-ownership of 51%)

· Benefits

The Incentive Programme is an 90:10 cost-sharing grant up to a maximum R125 000 application.

Reading Room

So – Its day one. I’m up earlier than the birds and the creatures of the night are starting to go to bed. I have been dreading this day for more than two weeks.

Today is “Project Planning” day.

I’ve realized early in my career that planning is the most important part of any project, just as Breakfast is the most important meal of the day. I can go into a day without breakfast, but inevitably by 10AM I am worth about as much as that ‘creature of the night’ going to bed.

Reading Room

I have been working with a dynamic financial services company of 42 staff, since June 2008. My mandate was to lower the staff turnover and change the negative culture. The company had a staff turnover of 60%. After doing a needs analysis I designed and implemented a holistic programme delivering both soft skills and technical skills. The results are phenomenal. We turned the whole company around - we dropped the employee turnover down to 7% and upped the production by 20%. The company culture has improved dramatically - they are now cooperative and positive.

Reading Room

Please help.
I am looking to buy training materials for some in house training I need to do and am finding it impossible. This is not accredited training and is just something we want to do to create an interest in further learning, to establish training needs, create some uniformity and awareness of standards within the company.

Reading Room

It’s sad that many people go to university before they are aware of the options available to them – in terms of establishing a career and networking a future for themselves. By that same token, it’s good that many go simply to live free of the worries that come with pursuing a high-flying career, making money, and carving a way for themselves.

But there are some things I regret from having gone to university fresh from a small town (having just turned eighteen) with precious few career plans set in stone. To follow are a few things I’d do differently:

Reading Room

I've read the comments and Blog (HIV/Aids related issues) and commented myself on this very important issue. Needless to say that this will be an everlasting subject as long as the numbers grow and the true statistics will never be true to the actual reality.
Thus the reason why I have asked my 16 year old daugther to write something about her view on this subject and related issues such as sex and STD's. This will give us maybe a better understanding towards our new Generation and I would like to encourage teenagers to view their comments as well.

Reading Room

The Presidency has issued a proclamation that gives legal authority to the new education ministers, Blade Nzimande and Angie Motsheka.

All legislation in the education sector previously referred to the Minister of Education as the responsible Minister. President Jacob Zuma split the functions in his cabinet with Nzimande responsible for Higher Education and Training and Motsheka responsible for schools as Minister for Basic Education.

Reading Room

I would like to hear from anyone who has registered with the NPI or Productivity SA as a service provider. The financial audit requirements appear to be a bit onerous so I am wondering if anyone has any advice to offer?
Turnaroundsolutions & ProductivitySA

Reading Room

I read an interesting article: COMPANIES NOT RECLAIMING SKILLS REBATE, Cape Argus of July 1, 2009
The purpose of the SDA is to create a formal framwork to educate and upgrade people's skills.


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