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Reading Room

I am happy to say that my book is starting to take off in a big way- I've spoken at the Jozi Book Fair and had articles in Drum, Entrepreneur and Leef magazines and The Ripple Effect newspaper. Next week I'm doing a workshop at the Swazi Sun. I feel so blessed!

Reading Room

In the interests of balance, we are trying to publish all points of view related to the contentious issue of Labour Broking. This is the submission of the ANC Youth League.

Floyd Shivambu, ANC YL National Spokesperson, 26 August 2009

Reading Room

It's all about a "Smovement" of service-minded people. I hope you like it.

Reading Room

The IBTA presents you with an excellent opportunity to increase your training revenue by presenting internationally certified business skills courses. Are you currently delivering IT courses? If your answer is yes, than the CBP series is a fantastic addition to your existing curriculum.

Reading Room

Prakashnee Govender, COSATU Parliamentary Officer, 26 August 2009
Presented to the Portfolio Committee on Labour on 26 August 2009


1. Introduction
1.1 The Need for Further Hearings at a Local Level
1.2 Other Forms of Atypical Employment
2. Decent Work and labour broking
3. Exposing the Myths, Lies and Deception
4. The Rights Affected
5. Conclusion


Reading Room

Members of parliament and a range of stakeholders are taking part in public hearings on the proposed amendments to labour laws to regulate the practice of labour broking.

The first presentation was from the consulting engineers and project management sector, delivered by Doug Armstrong.

According to Armstrong, projects such as the Gautrain and the stadiums built for the 2010 Fifa World Cup would not be possible without the flexibility that the use of labour broking allows.

Reading Room

In Das Kapital Karl Marx noted that in England the challenge of Health and Safety was not that there were no laws, but rather that there was a lack both of the will and the capacity to implement the laws.

Richard Spoor opened his presentation to the 22 Annual Labour Law Conference by making the comparison between this description of industrial England in the late 1800’s and South Africa today.

Reading Room

Good Afternoon

My name is Anne Whittle, and I am responsible for the Constituent Assessor / Moderator process within the Services SETA. I would appreciate it if you could forward queries, complaints etc. to me with regard to Assessor / Moderator issues and I will do my best to assist. I will also be updating my page on a daily basis with current information, so please visit to vent/enquire/complain and hopefully once you have been properly assisted, compliment.

Reading Room

John Gilmour has done impressive work for basic education in the Western Cape. Through his not-for-profit Leap Science and Maths Schools – with initial funding from the Shuttleworth Foundation - the school has achieved a matric pass rate of 94%, with 70% continuing on to tertiary-level education.

Reading Room

Judge President Zondo in his conference welcoming speech to the 22nd Annual Labour Law Conference stressed the importance of giving women and black lawyers the opportunity to prove themselves. He speaks from experience – his own career received a boost when labour clients placed their faith in him, allowing him to start up a law firm, giving him essential experience in preparation for his successful career as Judge and Judge President. Currently there are 9 judges, and although progress has been made in appointing black judges, only 2 of the 9 are women.


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