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Reading Room

I am doing research since 2004 on teaching and learning which led to my book: The DNA of Great Teachers from which Thinking Tools emanated.

I am training parents, children, students and teachers on Thinking Tools.


Marionette Maart is from Paarl. See her feedback on Youtube after starting to implement Thinking Tools in classes with 41 and 38 learners


Herewith please find an invitation on behalf of the Quality Council for Trades and Occupations (QCTO) for participation in SAQA's 2017 NQF Impact Study.
SAQAs 2017 NQF Impact Study
Reading Room

The employment contract - that is entered into between employer and employee - signals the beginning of an employment relationship. There are a number of essential elements that a contract of employment is based on that are useful for employers to know before they draw any of these documents up or commission these to be drawn up.

Reading Room

The Bill of Rights as contained in the Constitution as well as the Employment Equity Act (EEA) prohibit discrimination by one South African, or person situated in South Africa, unless this discrimination is for justifiable reasons.

Unfortunately, post-apartheid South Africa is still quite racially charged. Owing to this fact, people may construe innocent conversation as racial remarks and vice versa. The case of SAEWA obo Bester v Rustenburg Platinum Mine and Another (JA45/16) [2017] ZALAC 23 (3 May 2017) shows this.

Reading Room

Warning regarding “QMS in a box” adverts

It has come to our attention that mailers have been doing the rounds advertising pre-packaged and templatised academic quality management systems. While the cost associated with these products are very attractive – some are offered for prices as low as R18 000 – we strongly recommend you decline these offers for the following reasons:

In today’s tech-savvy world, every student has the passion to perform at peak level. But it is also a surprising fact that many students and educators ignore the significance of technology that can boost their academic performance.

Reading Room

A great deal is happening at present to bring employers on line and to ensure they comply with the requirements of section 19 and 20 of the EE Act as outlined in the EE Act.

Many companies I have come into contact with are familiar with the various EEA forms and have completed these but what sort of thought has gone into them and are they all discussed with the members of the EE forum before any plans are developed or changes made to existing plans? This constitutes an integral part of the consultation process.

Reading Room

Warning regarding “QMS in a box” adverts

It has come to our attention that mailers have been doing the rounds advertising pre-packaged and templatised academic quality management systems. While the cost associated with these products are very attractive – some are offered for prices as low as R18 000 – we strongly recommend you decline these offers for the following reasons:

Reading Room

If you’ve ever watched an advertisement on TV or online, or heard a radio advert and thought to yourself “That made absolutely no sense. I could totally do a better job.” Then let’s introduce you to the world of advertising and why you’d want to work in it. It’s quite the task to produce an advertisement. It goes way beyond creating copy and a catchy jingle. You have to research your target audience and stay true to the client’s brand and reputation. But, being a creative industry, it really is an exciting job.  


Reading Room

Nowadays students often complain about “study burnout”. For those who do know enough about it, it is a kind of emotional and physical exhaustion that students mostly suffer during their exams.

As you explore about this ordeal, you will find that it is a residual effect of prolonged stress.


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