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Reading Room

Basson, Cristianson, Dekker, Garbers, Le Roux and Strydom (2009) – in Essential Labour Law: Fifth Edition 2009 – state that an unfair labour practice is defined in section 186(2) of the Labour Relations Act as:

“any unfair act or omission that arises between an employer and an employee involving –

(a) Unfair conduct by the employer relating to the promotion, demotion, probation (excluding disputes about dismissal for a reason relating to probation) or training of an employee or relating to the provision of benefits to an employee;

Reading Room

For a dismissal to be valid, it needs to be both procedurally and substantively fair. (To read more about what “substantive fairness” is read our article entitled What Is Considered To Be ‘Fair’ in a Disciplinary Hearing?) Temporary Employment Services (TES) have been in the news recently with regard to who their actual employer is: the TES or the TES client. The answer to this question is extremely relevant in dismissal cases.

Reading Room

I assist many distraught private institutions whose applications for accreditation with the Council on Higher Education have not been approved, and assist them to prepare Representations on the criteria they have not met. Here are some key points on the CHE accreditation requirements.

Reading Room

Higher education will continue to be placed at the centre of government’s transformation agenda, Finance Minister Malusi Gigaba said on Wednesday.

“The student movement has correctly put the issue of higher education at the centre of our transformation agenda. We cannot hope to grow and develop without the skills and intellectual capabilities that our universities and technical training colleges produce,” said Minister Gigaba in Parliament.

Reading Room

On 14 January 2016 President Jacob Zuma established a Commission of Inquiry to investigate the feasibility of making higher education and training fee-free in South Africa.

The Commission was chaired by Justice Arthur Heher, assisted by Adv. Gregory Ally and Ms Leah Thembisile Khumalo. The Commission was expected to complete its work within the period of 18 months. The Commission could not finish its work within the 18 months period, which warranted that the President extend its term until 30 June 2017.

24 October 2017

Authors: Jacques M. de Villiers[1]; Lynn L. Duke[2]; Peter J. Jansen van Nieuwenhuizen[3]


I.                   INTRODUCTION


Reading Room

There are various vacancies available at Northlink College.

Senior Manager: Education and Training
- Campus Managers [x2 Posts]
- Physical Facilities Resource Manager
- Student Support Services Manager
- Marketing Manager
- Labour Relations Officer

Click here for details on these job vacancies

Reading Room

In the article, What Is Considered To Be ‘Fair’ in a Disciplinary Hearing?, we discussed the conditions necessary for a disciplinary hearing to be considered to be fair. What this means is that to pass muster, a disciplinary hearing must possess the quality of procedural fairness. It must also be substantively fair.

Reading Room

I am doing research since 2004 on teaching and learning which led to my book: The DNA of Great Teachers from which Thinking Tools emanated.

I am training parents, children, students and teachers on Thinking Tools.


Marionette Maart is from Paarl. See her feedback on Youtube after starting to implement Thinking Tools in classes with 41 and 38 learners



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