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Reading Room
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Predatory publishers are vultures feeding on academics’ worries about output and incentives.
Reading Room

Shuter and Shooter Publishers, a special client of mine, experienced a tragedy last month when one of their long-serving and much-loved employees passed away.

It was a humbling experience to join the company in a morning of grief and celebration. There were tears and laughter, as you would expect from colleagues who had spent a lifetime together and were mourning a colleague who was larger than life.

Reading Room

With the inflation rate not stopping its upward creep, the price of goods and services naturally must increase to keep up with this. Thus, during wage negotiations, and resulting wage settlement talks, it is necessary to ensure that these discussions are very carefully handled.

At our recent Annual Labour Law Update, Global Business Solutions CEO – Jonathan Goldberg – outlined some of the successful wage negotiations that have taken place.

Reading Room

Becoming an Effective Management Meta-Coach!

The aim is to develop an individual’s performance by unlocking their capabilities through guided conversation and questioning. The participation of the individual being coached (the coachee) in arriving at solutions is an essential part of the coaching process.

Reading Room

The Workplace skills plan (WSP) is intended to document skills needs in a company and to describe the range of skills development interventions that the company will use to address these needs. 

Reading Room

300 years of how teaching is done, is changing. Watch this space


Reading Room


Since the travesty that befell the country in 2012 with the Marikana incident, South Africa has been described as an extremely strike-prone country with many attendant losses. For example, insurer Sasria recorded claims of nearly R900 million most of which were as a result of the violent #FeesMustFall protests.

Reading Room

We have a lot of vacancies at the moment from colleges, training companies and others looking for contract and permanent staff via the Jobs Portal website.

I've highlighted some of the positions below, but you can also browse The Jobs Portal for full details.


Reading Room


So, you have done your investigation (see ‘Seven Questions You Need to Ask Before a Disciplinary Enquiry’), collected the evidence, written out the allegations and issued the Notice of Enquiry. Now you just wait for the enquiry to happen, don’t you? Not quite.

Reading Room
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Ukrainians mark the first anniversary of the Orange Revolution in 2005.
REUTERS/Gleb Garanich


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