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Reading Room

by John Botha: COO of Global Business Solutions

It often seems ambiguous when employers are called on to create and protect jobs while the economy is tanking. However, there are a number of levers that can be pulled to reduce the adverse impact of business cycles and cost creep. These include:

On 30 July, Statistics South Africa released their Quarterly Labour Force Survey (QLFS) for the second quarter of 2019. During this period, the official unemployment rate rose to 29.0%. This is 1.4% points up from the 27.6% seen in quarter one.

"Although government has done a lot of strategising in an attempt to curb unemployment," says Jonathan Goldberg: CEO of Global Business Solutions, "we are not seeing tangible improvements to the rate of unemployment. There needs to be less talk and more action."

Reading Room

by: John Botha: COO of Global Business Solutions

There has been significant confusion as to when the provisions of the Labour Laws Amendment Act (LLAA) and the UI Amendment Act - in respect of parental, adoption and commissioning parental leave – will take effect. As a result of UIF system stability and testing requirements stemming from previous amendments, the three new benefits could not be immediately implemented.

by John Botha: COO of Global Business Solutions

It is envisaged that the amendments to the Employment Equity Act (EEA) will be promulgated in early 2020. These amendments are currently being debated by the National Economic Development and Labour Council (NEDLAC). The EEA draft amendments give the Minister the right to implement these targets and to preclude designated employers who are unable to achieve these from accessing public sector tenders.

With the Department of Trade and Industry now having been combined with that of Economic Development, ex-Minister of Trade and Industry – Rob Davies – has been replaced with Ebrahim Patel. As one of his last official duties, Davies saw the Amended B-BBEE Codes of Good Practice being gazetted on 31 May. What the amended codes stipulate have substantial implications for your organisation’s B-BBEE strategic and planning processes.

It’s now not so easy to get B-BBEE points for learnerships

Reading Room

Employment Equity, Diversity and Transformation (EEDT) Practioners' Forum presents an
EE Workshop: 15-16 May 2019

Ensuring full EE Plan Practical Compliance
and More…

An opportunity to learn practically how to ensure full EE Compliance, prepare for a D-G review and minimise your EE fine risk.

CLICK HERE for full details

Reading Room

I have observed that not all those who do not complete their Master's degree at any university can be regarded as having failed. As a matter of fact, completion of a Master's degree needs a proper collaboration between student and supervisor; student and employer; student and family; and finally, student and self!


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