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shopThe South African Qualifications Authority (SAQA) has published the National Qualifications Framework Amendment Act 12 of 2019, (NQF Amendment Act) with the intention of preventing or at least minimising the use of fake certificates of qualification. 

Last week was dominated by the Matric results – officially, the 2023 National Senior Certificate (NSC) examination results. President Ramaphosa’s newsletter today (22 January 2023) described the 82.9% pass rate as a “stellar achievement”, and the Department of Basic Education is proud of the progress that has been made - the pass rate has risen from 78% ten years ago.

Min Motshega with roses
Basic Education Minister Angie Motshekga

The public are invited to comment on the Basic Education Laws Amendment Bill (B 2B 2022). 

In 2024, 40 countries will be holding national elections 

These include the United States of America, the United Kingdom, and Russia; a number of north and central Africa countries; those closest to us in Africa are: Botswana, Namibia, Mozambique, and Mauritius; and critically of course, ourselves - South Africa.

Reading Room

Peter Magubane: courageous photographer who chronicled South Africa’s struggle for freedom

Kylie Thomas, NIOD Institute for War, Holocaust and Genocide Studies

Reading Room

We are saddened by the news of the unexpected passing of SAQA Chairperson Professor Dr Peliwe Lolwana and extend our condolences to her family and to all who worked with her. The South African Qualifications Authority (SAQA) has posted a tribute to Professor Lolwana - who served as the SAQA Chairperson. 

See SAQA announcement attached.

Friday is member Self-Help Day.  Many members find great difficulty with all the terms used on the site.  The following simple description gives you a start to distinguishing between Learnerships, internships, and In-service training.


Reading Room

The Quality Council for Trades and Occupations (QCTO)  is responsible for the development of occupational qualifications, which are submitted to the South African Qualifications Authority (SAQA) for registration on the National Qualifications Framework (NQF). The 21 Sector Education & Training Authorities (SETAs) work with the QCTO, providing sector specific input to required qualifications, part qualifications, and skills programmes.

Reading Room

After the Springboks won the Rugby World Cup many South Africans felt that there should be a holiday to celebrate, however, as the Grade 12 examinations had started, an extra holiday would have been too disruptive. President Ramaphosa has now kept his promise to declare an extra Public Holiday in December - 

see attached copy of the Government Gazette Proclamation 143.  

What are the implications for employers?


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