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Industrial relations is all about power. Employers usually want to pay their staff as little as they can, while workers want to earn as much as possible. The parties battle it out, sorry ‘negotiate’, until they come to an agreement.

We have seen a wave of industrial action lately, with even doctors learning to toi-toi to further their demands for more pay.

It does seem that Cosatu has a new sense of importance in Jacob Zuma’s South Africa and are using the opportunity to assertively take their members’ demands forward.

Reading Room

The answer is YES. We repress imagination/fantasy because of our fears associated with the unconscious, which is that mysterious space that we have been conditioned to avoid. We know this because PLAY and fantasy make people uncomfortable. One of the reasons is that ego-consciousness is afraid of what personal and collective unconscious content may project into the party. We fear TRUTH.

Reading Room



Keith Barends started KB & Associates on the 19th of March 2003. Keith
focused his efforts in building an associate base, building up a client base,
as well as becoming accredited as a training provider with the Services SETA
and was granted Institutional Accreditation in October 2003


Reading Room

I feel that there should be a high degree of quality when it comes to printing of training material. It is essential that the learner have access to clear and readable training material in order to achieve the highest score. We offer quality printing of training material such as learner guides, POE's and related products. We offer a range of finishing options.

Do you outsource you printing and production? Then feel free to give us a call on 0826995065 or e-mail: [email protected]

Reading Room

I am very interested in the sourcing of human resources, services and products for training providers. If i would like to assist training providers with their day to day management and sourcing of products, services and human factor such as moderators, assessors, and product developers. How do i go about and how legal is this? Am i allowed to charge a fee for the recruitment of human resources?

Reading Room

The number of students at FET Colleges will more than double to 1 million over the next few years if plans set out by Minister of Higher Education and Training Dr Blade Nzimande come to fruition.

He has also set the bold goal of ensuring that no poor youth with potential to succeed at higher education are excluded because of costs. Minister Nzimande also wants to improve standards at universities to ensure that students of all backgrounds can reach the required level.

Reading Room

Test your right-brain skills. I am offering a FREE Brain Profile to anyone who can solve the puzzle at Ultimate Puzzle

The challenge you face is to discover a thinking process linked to the ancient mysteries: the Green Language, the Philosopher's Stone, and the Kabbalist's Daath. There is an innate language of thought, a right-brain heuristic, that is part of the puzzle and the key to your higher mind.

Reading Room

Jack Hough has written a fascinating article on the real value of a four-year university education, in terms of value spent and value gained.

Reading Room

Labour Minister Membathisi Mdladlana is now in his eleventh year heading his department and shows no sign of slowing down. Speaking ahead of his budget speech to parliament Mdladlana explained that nearly all of the country's labour laws will be amended in the coming months.

Reading Room

Sincerity can be defined as the act of expressing the truth about our thoughts and feelings, free of lies and double mindedness. It comes in many forms, one of which is honesty. If the sincerity of your words is questionable, then nothing you say will be trusted.


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